52 (edited)

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*some may find certain parts of this chapter triggering*

ethan finished stitching victorias stab wound up and laid a dressing on it whilst will took another xray of her hand.

"you see here?" will pointed to the screen.

"damn three breaks? dont even hurt that bad" victoria shrugged.

"i can guarantee that will change when you sober up" ethan informed.

"hmm who said anything about me staying sober? i never said that" victoria pulled a face.

*time skip - next day at the district*

"uhh.. you three come here a sec" hank motioned for antonio, erin and victoria to come into his office.

"whats going on?" erin asked.

"i need tori to go under.. i wouldn't be asking so soon if it wasn't urgent" hank sighed.

"what do you want me to do?" victoria leaned against the doorway.

"you still got a place in tjays gang?" hank raised his eyebrow.

"mhm been involved with that gang since birth, not exactly easy to get out" victoria shrugged.

"theres been talk of gang wars between tjays gang and demetri over on the west side" hank stated.

"yea i heard. demetri shot matty a couple days ago, tjays been keeping me updated." victoria nodded.

"anyways.. i need you to go in as an active member and try get us as much information on demetri as possible. you stick with tjay though and make sure you have your gun and knives on you at all times.. you'll be wearing a wire and body cam too" hank informed.

"fine by me, when do you want me in?" victoria asked.

"as soon as possible." hank shrugged.

"tori.. you sure you wanna do this?" erin and antonio asked in sync.

"yeah im sure, am i taking anyone else in?" victoria asked.

"jays going with you" hank informed.

"well he needs to change his outfit and get a switchblade" victoria smiled and walked into the bullpen, she wasn't 100% sure what she was doing but she'd figure it out and just go along with whatever got threw at her.

"halstead go change out, tori go with him make sure he actually looks the part" hank winked.

victoria nodded and she and jay walked into the locker room.

"so what exactly do i need to wear?" jay asked.

"ight so your going to be wearing all black, might sound stereotypical but trust me this is your best bet of not getting made. black jeans, black shirt, boots, leather jacket and im hoping you have a switchblade?" victoria leaned against the lockers.

"i do, anything else i need?" jay nodded slowly.

"nah as long as you do what i just said then you'll be good" victoria winked and walked back into the bullpen.

"we needa stop by the house so i can change" victoria stood infront of erins desk.

"wanna go now quickly?" erin asked.

"yeah" victoria nodded.

*after victoria had changed and they got back to the district*

she was wearing black sneakers, black ripped skinny jeans, a white shirt and her black leather jacket with her knife down her bra and gun in her waistband.

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