65 (edited)

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* might be triggering *
- 5:47 am -

victoria was woken up by a not so pleasant feeling in her stomach and hissed in pain when she sat up too fast, she had no idea if she had somehow managed to rip her stitches through the night but didn't bother to check as she was still half asleep and couldn't see properly anyway.

she rubbed her eyes and groaned when she looked at what time it was but figured she may aswell stay awake and found herself wandering downstairs quietly.

"hey.. what are you doing up?" antonio whispered.

"my stomach hurts" victoria sighed and sat beside antonio on the sofa, his eyes were instantly drawn too the bloodstain on the shirt victoria was wearing and his eyes widened.

"you haven't ripped your stitches have you?" antonios face showed immense worry when hearing what victoria said.

"i dont think i have.." victoria pulled her shirt up slightly to reveal the wound that did indeed seem to have a few ripped stitches.

"oh baby i'm going to have to take you to med.." antonio tucked a strand of hair behind victorias ear.

"i didn't even notice.." victoria looked at her stomach with confusion painted across her face.

"its alright sweetheart, ill just go tell mom where we're going mkay?" antonio smiled sadly.

victoria nodded and figured she may aswell go and pull her shoes on since it would take her a bit of time anyway.

*at med*

the two found themselves sitting in a hospital room with victoria half asleep whilst getting her stitches removed and redone.

"tori you alright?" antonio rubbed victorias hand gently.

"mhm.. just tired" victoria nodded.

"we'll be home soon mí amor" antonio kissed victorias hand and held it tightly.

ethan finished stitching victorias wound up and also gave antonio an assortment of bandages, gauze, antiseptic wipes and some cream to help prevent any infections before allowing antonio to take victoria back home.

*at the house*

victoria had fell asleep on the way back to the house so antonio found himself carefully carrying her over to the sofa where he laid her down softly and pulled a blanket over her.

ethan had advised that someone be with victoria whilst she slept incase she began to move around too much and knocked the stitches again so antonio sat by tori as she slept soundly.

"hey, everything go okay at med?" erin asked.

"yeah, ethan wants us to keep an eye on her when she sleeps to make sure the stitches dont come out and he's given me some gauze and stuff for if we need to wrap the wound" antonio explained.

"ill be back in a sec, im going to go grab a clean shirt for her" erin smiled and got off the sofa.

* a week later *

victoria had her stitches removed and was just advised to take it easy whilst she was healing but she had other ideas..

antonio and erin ran out to go to the store leaving eva, victoria and diego alone in the house so victoria decided she wanted to make up some dances since it had been a while since she had danced.

she connected her phone to her speaker and began playing wake me up by avicii.

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