Chapter Eight

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"Welcome to the Perimeter"

Doc and Sam stood in what was currently his only building in the perimeter. Sam stared in shock and awe at the vast enormous space that was Docs Mega Project.

"This place is incredible and that flag, even more so"

"You want to go to the top of it"

"There's a way up?!"

"There's a Bubble elevator all the way up to the top and there's a platform up there for storage"

"Let's do it"

Doc brought Sam to the bottom of the flagpole where the bubble vator (bubble elevator) started.

"Do I need to hold my breath or anything"

"You're fine, you should get the effect of the conduit about half way up"

"How needed is it??"

"Eh you don't wanna start drowning right?"

"Course not"

"I'll meet you at the very top" Doc said before releasing a rocket and activating his elytra and flying straight up all the way up his flag pole to the platform was.

Sam stepped into the bubble vator and immediately shot straight up. He got the effect of the conduit and a dolphin around halfway up which made him go even faster. He made it to the top within seconds. He got out of the elevator and leaned against the sandstone wall that was keeping the water from spilling everywhere. It's a bit disorientating since it's the first time he's gone up.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine"
Sam took a deep breath in and out, getting used to still ground again, "You forgot to mention the dolphin"

"Eh it's easy to forget about"

"Woah, is that a world destroyer over there?"

"Yeah. Did you think I dug this entire thing out by myself"

"I thought you used shit load of TNT"

"Nah TNT wouldve taken too long" Doc said, "Have you ever built a world destroyer"

"Of course but my server wouldn't be able to take the power of it"

"There's too much around or"

"Something like that so how long have you been in this world"

"A couple of months now I think"

"Months?! but everywhere is packed with buildings"

"That's the hermits for ya, quite the dedicated bunch of friends"

"You're not afraid any of the hermits builds will get griefed or destroyed"

"No why would we be?"


"I won't tell anyone, creeper to creeper" Doc shot him a soft smile.

"My server isn't exactly the best place, the admin is corrupt and likes manipulating and traumatizing the minors of the server" Sam sighed heavily.
He looked at Docs shocked expression then back down, "there's been a lot of destructive wars" Sam sat at the edge of the platform dangling his feet off into the vast empty space below, "You ever heard of Pandora's Vault?"

"It's giant inescapable prison, of course I've heard of it"

"It's on the Dream SMP"

"Shit dude. Isn't it kinda egotistical to name a server after yourself" Doc nudged his shoulder.

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