Chapter Seventy-Two

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"Hey Techno"

"Not now Ranboo. Busy. And don't go near Dream while I'm gone."

"Don't have to say that twice"

Techno walked out of Scarland, again. To find X.

Technoblade: hey Xisuma...?
Xisuma: Yes?
Technoblade: we need to talk. About something. Real quick
Xisuma: sure? Where are you?
Technoblade: making my way to spawn
Xisuma: I'll meet you on the way
Pearlescentmoon: you think he'd do what I think he's gonna do G?
Grian: I don't know.. let's just be somewhere safe just in case.
ZombieCleo: what did you two do?
impulseSV: Pearl what did Grian influence you to do now?
Grian: we are innocent. No matter what some people think. I did nothing at all. Squat.
ZombieCleo: and somehow I don't believe that.
Grian: that doesn't surprise me. In the slightest. But it's true.
Pearlescentmoon: but you'd believe me right Cleo?
ZombieCleo: depends.
Pearlescentmoon: I know for a fact that we're innocent.
Xisuma: guys come on enough accusations.
ZombieCleo: this isn't over.
Grian: It seems like it is? :)

+With Techno+

Techno made his way to spawn and met up with X. X flew over him, arriving just before him.

"Hey Xisuma"

"Hey Techno"

"I'll get straight to the point and tell you what I needed to talk to you about."

"Go ahead. I'm quite curious"

"Xelqua and a friend of his scared the living shit out of my admin. Excuse my language"

"What?! Sorry could you explain what happened from the start?"

"So basically my admin got scared and threatened by Xelqua and a watcher friend of his. I didn't know you allowed two watchers. I thought it was only one but anyways, I'm just wondering why he'd do that? And who the other one is"

"it's odd, truly. I'll definitely look into this"

"I'll be honest, I know you trust your hermits so I didn't know if you'd believe me"

"I believe you. Pranks aren't uncommon around here, I'll confront Grian and see what that does"

"Would you mind if I joined you in that? I'm curious as to why he did this as I said"

"Sure. I don't mind some company."

Xisuma: Grian?
Grian: yessss the best admin and father figure ever?
Xisuma: Come meet me at spawn. We need to have a little chat.
Pearlescentmoon: good luck G
Grian: if I go down I'm bringing everybody with me.
Mumbo: you can try bring me down
Grian: challenge accepted. And remember to put my bed back.
BdoubleO100: maybe don't fly and text G. You headed straight for a tree..
Grian: nooo I'm not... I've arrived at said tree..

Grian flew into a tree while texting and flying. Luckily it was a tree at spawn he crashed into. It was a random birch tree next to Beef's old wool farm. It's been running so long it's ran out of shears. Again.

"You alright G?" X saw him crash and walked over to him with Techno next to him.

"Yup." Grian tried to shake off the dizziness and took a second before he stood up. Then he stood up and looked at X. "What's up?"

"So there's evidence that Xelqua made another appearance. This true"

"No. I don't use him? Become him? Whatever it is. I don't transform unless it's an emergency."

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