Chapter Sixty-One

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(pssssttt, hey I've decided to continue my other fanfic, check it out...please 👉👈)

X started to fly to EX's coords. He was nearly 6,000 blocks out, it's only been loaded in since the update to 1.20 so luckily it didn't cause any lag.

"Xan?!" Xisuma landed at the co-ordinates EX was last at for any signs of him. He looked around the are calling out his name and looked I never direction for any signs.

"Xanthus!? Please be around here somewhere..." X continued to walk around the area looking around in any directions.

*Goddamn it X. Sometimes you care too much*

"Xan?" X spotted red in one of the large oak trees.

"Why are you here X?"

"Hels said you and him had a disagreement before flying thousands of blocks out"

"Of course. Admins little helper"

"I think I know what this is about.."

"Oh yeah. What could this possibly be about...?!"

"You're questioning your identity aren't you? Supposed to be evil but you've been nothing but nice since the start of the season"

"Fuck you for knowing that."

*I won't language him this time. Only this once* X thought before sighing "so any progress?"

"I'm not supposed to be evil. Not anymore at least. But don't ever call me a fucking hermit. I'm not- I can't join the people who cast me out"

"That's understandable. I won't do that ever again. But I'll never stop letting people know that we're brothers"

"That one I'll accept..."

"Xan, why don't come back.. I sent Wels to talk to Hels.."

"There's not many Helsian's around these days.. you already know I don't wanna lose Hels as a friend but when he's your only friend that actually gets you it's just annoying.."

"It's harder to forgive each other when in a disagreement. I know. Trust me I do..."

"So Grian hasn't forgiven you yet?"

"No, he hasn't. He wants to but can't seem to bring himself to it. So he's working towards it slowly"

"So you'll have a couple awkward Council Meetings for a while hmm?"


"You got some spare rockets?" EX said jumping down the tree and landing in front of X

"Of course. I figured flying like 6,000 blocks out you'd run out of rockets." Suma passed him a couple spare stacks of rockets for the flight home.

"I'll admit I underestimated the amount I needed."

"Easy to do so. Sometimes it's better to overestimate"

"You gonna take a break any time soon?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I might have to force you to do so with Keralis and whoever else who gives a shit about your mental state more than you do. Which now I'm saying it, shouldn't be hard to find"

"Eventually. Admin duties don't really end."

"Take off your helmet"


"Just do it dumbass"

X held his breath and removed his helmet, placing it on the ground in front of him. EX did the same, he removed his helmet and packed it on the ground. He walked towards X and embraced him, he hugged his brother.

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