Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Hey Mr Suma?"


"You can't breathe overworld or nether air right?


"And I'm assuming Grian can't breathe void air"

"Also correct"

"So then how did he and his friend get you home and press that button to purify your air and get out without dying.?"

"That's complicated kiddo" Grian responded before Xisuma did.

"Sorry if it's personal"

"It's not personal, it's just complicated"

"Try us, I dare you"

Grian sighed*eh I might as well let them know the story. I'm gonna be so hard to forget after this*. He smiled in his mind. "Have you ever heard of the story of The Watchers and The Listeners?"

X looked at him with the eyes that said 'are you sure you want to do this'
Grian slightly nodded, it was obvious enough that X saw it but no one else did.

"Yeah but they're just a myth."

"Not a myth. Oh they're real." Xisuma said.

"You've both seen one!?"

"We've both interacted with one"

"Wait so that news article that talked about that admin being kidnapped by the Watchers? Was Real?! You're telling me that's true!"

"Unfortunately it is. Yes."

"God damn" Tommy muttered.

Tubbo started at them shocked and confused, trying to piece together the puzzle that was this conversation.
"That admin was turned into a watcher. Right?"

"That he was"

"How do you know it's a he?"

"Hi it's lovely to meet you both."  Grian said, half joking and smiling.


"It was you.... You were the admin that was taken."

"Unfortunately I was.."

"So you were the guy they forced to become a watcher..."

"Yep. Can we move on this conversation now...?"

"Sorry Mr Grian. I didn't mean to ask anything personal"

"Kid chill. It's just a bunch of bad memories is all that uhh incident is"

"You alright?" X asked G.

"Fine. I just don't like thinking about Evo very much, it's not the best memory to bring up"

"If you two didn't have anymore questions for the moment, would you mind exploring outside"

"You need to talk to him in private?"

"I do. If you wouldn't mind."

"That's fine, we have more shopping district to explore."

"You know the way back over there right?"

"Over the bride and follow the roads. We'll be fine" Tubbo grabbed Tommy's hand and they both left.

"Are you ready for a massive trauma dump?"

"I'm going to need to get you therapy aren't I"

"Yeahhh most likely, I tried to do therapy before but like they quit not even half way through so Ive never gone again"

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