Chapter Sixty-Four

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Grian reached Scarland and saw a couple members hanging around outside, sitting in the curb, just chatting with each other. He landed and started to walk towards them. Phil landed as well but a little far away, so G didn't spot him and flee or something like that.

"Oh hey, you're Grian right. Tommy's uncle. Phil's brother?" Puffy said as Grian walked up to them.

"That would be me.. Yeah.." Grian hesitated to say. "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything"

"Don't worry you're not. Did you want something?" Bad asked.

"Kinda. I don't know if you can help me though"

"Well you might as well ask" Eret said.

"Do you happen to know where Tommy Tubbo Ranboo and Purpled are?"

"Tommy is inside with Sam. Tubbo went to bother Doc. Purpled is in his room, he's worried about Mr Admin. And Ranboo has gone to explore and hang out with Techno." Puffy said

*That makes my job harder. At least X is resting*. "Alright thanks that- That helps a lot."

"Was that it?" Sapnap said.

"I had some more information to tell you actually. First do you know which players wanted information in exchange for therapy"

"I did, Puffy did, Tommy recently said he did, uhh Purpled does." Sapnap said.

"X told us to meet him as spawn. But he's unavailable?" Puffy remembered Tommy told them.

"Yeah so I recently found out while in the hub that a Watcher attacked here. It came to the hub after it left and attacked X while chasing the kids I'm looking for." Grian admitted "X foolishly decided to take it head on.. So he's resting from that incident"

"You're just trying to make sure they're okay..?" Puffy wanted to confirm.

"Pretty much yeah"

"Who put you up to that?" Sapnap inquired

"Nobody. Just trying to help my admin out."

"Purpled and Tommy are inside, we can go get Ranboo and Tubbo if you want" Eret said then suggested.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think it'll be fine, mind if I head in?"

"Go for it"

Grian smiled then walked past them. Phil in the distance, waited for him to come back out.
Grian knocked on a door then had a crimson sign on it, the sign read Purpled.

"Come in if you must"

"Hey Purpled" Grian entered his room and closed the door behind him.

"Hey Grian. Did you need something?"

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay after the whole watcher attack.."

"It was weird that they targeted me right?"

"Oh it definitely was."

"Do you know who Xelqua is? And why was that thing looking for us?"

"Did you see that giant watcher that appeared in front of the other one?"

"Yeah that was you right! You saved Suma"

"That watcher is called Xelqua."

"Oh. So it was searching for me you and someone else"

"Yeah. Basically. Are you asking okay after that encounter..?"

"I got injured but when I got back Puffy patched me up. I'll be honest, that shook me. Did you kill that other one?"

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