Chapter Eighteen

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"Scott does this thing have any abilities we need to know about.?" Joe asked.

"He can do a lot but but at the same time not a lot, but that's on our server. I don't know if that crosses over"

"Most likely will, we're gonna have to go really far out, and get you lot gear. We're gonna need help if we're getting our server back." Doc announced.

"So you want us to evacuate our bases?" Someone from the large crowd below inquired.

"Temporarily, someone will also have to go get Suma before anyone else." Doc said.

Everyone looked at everyone and murmured thinking of who should go. Grian's gotten kidnapped, it's likely he'll go after someone else.
Mumbo raised his hand.

"Yes Mumbo"

"Can this Xornoth guy feel energy or level or power in a player?"

"In what way do you mean?" Scott looked puzzled by his question.

"For example the energy or power that radiates from an admin or ...watcher?"

"I'm pretty sure he can feel how powerful a player or non-player is but he has to be close enough to him."

"Xisuma was already close to him, what if he's next?"

"He won't be, if we get there in time and hope he's awake. So... Who wants to volunteer to potentially save our admin and servers father figure"

"I'll go." Phil announced.

"At least lemme go with you" Techno said.

"No, I'll go get the admin. Since he's the only one qualified to lead three servers of people. No offense to Empires Admin"

"None taken, you're right anyhow" Fwhip piped up from the crowd somewhere. He's short and there's a lot of tall people surrounding him.

"Lemme go with him Doc, he doesn't know where Sumas base is, and I know how to pick up the speed if I need it" Scar asked.

"Fine. Both of you go get Suma. If you're seen by anyone outside of us, leg it understood?"
Doc forcefully moved the arm Tubbo was attached to and laid his hand on top of his head, petting between his ears to calm him.

*Oh shit that feels nice* Tubbo thought, enjoying the pets.

"Understood" came from both Scar and Phil. Phil filled Scar to go and receive Suma.

"What do we do now?" Some one from the crowd asked. Twas Wilbur

"We wait. We can't move on with them" Doc answered.

"Nobody left behind" Tubbo excitedly said enjoying the pets.

"Exactly, thank you for your input" Doc stopped petting for a minute.

"Please don't stop"

He continued at Tubbo's request.

-with Phil and Scar-

"I hate how this place makes me feel"

"I feel it mate, it's sorta creepy."

"Let's hurry, that sandstone building with the blue roof is where we're going, we're gonna have to go in the back"

+Lucky for them Xisuma was awake and wondering how he got home, and what happened+

-once they got around the back-

Scar knocked on the door in a rhythmic way. X heard it and immediately knew it was safe. Only Scar knows like that. He put his helmet on and headed out the back door, shutting it behind him.
"Let's go, explanations later. Here are some elven cookies" he gave him some cookies to make sure his energy is up.

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