Swimming with Tsu and Hagakura

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The water of the U.A pool shimmered and sparkled in the sunlight that beat down on Cassie and her two classmates. The pinkette stretched her limbs letting out a small groan as she heard several small popping noises in her back.

She was a little stiff after staying up all night to train so this was a good relaxing activity for her to participate in. In the corner of her eye Cassie saw that Tsu and Hagakura were both applying sunscreen to their exposed limbs.

In Hagakura's case the pinkette just assumed from the way one of the bottles of sunscreen Tsu had brought was floating haphazardly in the air, that her invisible classmate was in fact also putting on sunscreen. If you're invisible can you even get sunburned Cassie found herself asking quietly in her head.

Cassie herself never really needed to put on sunscreen as the UV rays of the sun were not capable of burning her skin as the solar energy was simply absorbed and stored inside her body.

After a few minutes her two classmates had finished applying sunscreen to their skin and were ready to do a few laps around the school's pool. Tsu was the first one in, diving into the water head first without any second thought.

Next Hagakura and Cassie decided to time their jumps so they would hit the water at the same time to see how big of a splash the two girls could create. " 1... 2... and 3!" Both students screamed happily before grabbing each other's hands and leaping into the water in sync.

Cassie sucked in a breath, her cheeks puffing up with air as she swam back up to the surface of the cold refreshing water. Her head broke through the water, pink hair floating lazily on the surface of the water as she sucked in a long breath of fresh air.

Soon enough she was joined by Tsu and Hagakura who were laughing happily, and once Cassie had caught her breath she began to laugh as well, their loud happy squealing echoing ever so slightly but none of them cared.

It wasn't like they were skipping class. It was the weekend after all and the pool was open to all that wanted to go although technically speaking Nezu never expressly said they could go it was very much implied when he gave the students a tour of the campus.

After the girls grew tired of splashing each other with water, they broke apart to swim languidly around the pool while chatting idly to each other. " So Tsu how was your work study?" Cassie asked, floating past her classmate who was propelling herself through the water like it was second nature to her.

" Selki was so cute, Ribbit! " Tsu paused her movements to talk about her internship experience happily. Cassie nodded her head encouraging Tsu to keep talking. " He started teaching me how to camouflage, Ribbit." Tsu added proudly.

Cassie and Hagakura glanced at each other in surprise. " How does that work?" Hagakura asked curiously. Tsu grinned before diving fully underwater and disappearing from view. It wasn't like she just used the water to her advantage, it was so clear that Cassie could see the bottom of the pool, no her friend had actually camouflaged herself.

The pinkette heard water ripple behind her and the next thing she knew her friend was behind her doing mini jazz hands, a bashful smile gracing her lips as her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

" I'm not that good at it yet and I can't camouflage for long but it's a starting point." Tsu explained glancing back and forth at both girls in front of her to gauge their reactions. Cassie was the first to speak, wrapping her green haired friend in a warm hug. " That was amazing Tsu! You've come so far as a hero in training."

The pinkette exclaimed proudly. Her friends were just so amazing and had such incredible and unique quirks she couldn't wait to continue her journey with them. Hagakura joined in the hug soon after shouting a happy " Group Hug!" before crashing her body into the other two girls.

The force of the invisible girl's embrace caused Tsu and Cassie to stumble back a few steps causing water to slosh around them before they both regained their footing and returned their classmates' gesture.

For the next few hours the three girls spent their time getting to know each on a deeper level, strengthening their bonds as friends and classmates. Cassie was very glad that she had accepted Tsu's invitation to join her and Hagakura at the pool that morning.

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