Chapter 126

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One Year Later


Journal entry #360
April 14th, 2016, probably

Today makes 365 days since the day I died.
And today also makes 365 days since I decided to start living.

April 14th, 2016 is one hell of a day to reflect on.

I've had a few close calls, but that day was the real damn deal. Life isn't a video game. You don't get extra lives.

Luckily, I did.

Yesterday, I feared the day April 14th. I feared to relive it. I feared what it would bring to me mentally. I feared it would set me back. This year has been a complete year of healing for me. Physically and mentally. Not just from what Negan did to me, but everything I was struggling with.

But today, I'm grateful for April 14th. I'm not afraid of today. I've grown. I'm a different person. I've healed. I'm alive. I'm not just surviving anymore, I'm living. Every day is a blessing. Every person in my life is a blessing. Every lesson is a blessing.

Jessica Tolliver'

I sighed and closed my journal before wrapping the straps around the leather covered book.

"Mommy! I'm ready for the party!" Judith exclaimed as she entered my room.

"Me too! Let's go." I replied as I smiled and stood up from my desk.

"Do you like my bow? Daddy found it." Judith told me while holding my hand as we left my house.

"I love your bow." I replied while closing the door behind us.

"Judith! You look pretty!" Maggie exclaimed as we approached her house.

"Happy Birthday, Jessalyn!" Judith exclaimed as Maggie's daughter smiled down at Judith.

"How are you today?" Maggie asked me as Jessalyn squirmed out of her arms.

"I'm good, actually." I replied while smiling.

"You look good. You look happy." She stated while looping her arm with mine.

"It feels good." I replied while entering her home.

"Hell, where's my present? You're the one that put me into labor a year ago today." Maggie joked as I handed her Jessalyn's birthday gift.

"I'm your present." I joked while she laughed.

"You're joking, but you're right. I don't know what I'd do without you." She replied while giving me a small smile.

"Shut up or you're going to make me cry and I'm not crying today." I ordered while we reached the back door.

"Rick's here alone. Mariah isn't with him." She stated while stopping me at the door.

"Okay?" I replied while furrowing my eyebrows.

"Just saying." She replied while raising her hands in defense.

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