Chapter 139

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Suddenly I was ripped from Rick's side and nearly tossed into the floor before heavy arms wrapped around my waist.

"Jess, stop fighting." Daryl ordered as I opened my eyes, finding that what I thought I was imagining was actually my reality.

My heart felt as if it had restarted as I watched one nurse return the volume on the machine while other nurses began doing different jobs.

If it wasn't for Daryl holding me up, I would've dropped to my knees.

"Please," I begged as I focused my eyes on the ceiling tile. "Please." I cried while closing my eyes.

"Cauterize here." Dr. Caxton ordered someone.

"If you don't get her out of this room, we're going to have another patient and we can't have another patient." Dr. Caxton ordered Janet.

"Baby, this is good. He has a nice heartbeat. It's fast, but it's there. It's strong. If we can get him stable there's a very big chance he's going to be okay. We need to sit outside so we can breathe and give them the room to work." Janet spoke to me while holding both of my hands.

"He has a heartbeat, he can hear me. He can hear me, right?" I asked, frantically.


I broke from Daryl's grip and ran to the foot of Rick's bed before placing my hands on his leg.

"You can't leave, you understand? Fight. You have to fight. You have to. I'm not giving you a choice," I told Rick while looking at his unconscious, but alive, body. "I love you." I continued before Daryl's hand wrapped around my wrist and began dragging me away from the bed.

I followed Daryl out of the room, feeling all sorts of feelings as my heart felt as if it was slowly returning to the correct position in my chest.

"He has a pulse." Daryl informed Maggie, Glenn, and Mariah who had remained in the waiting area.

My eyes floated around, finding Mariah who was staring at me with a particular look as if she knew everything about me.

"Who did it?" I asked while looking to Daryl's eyes.

"Dawn." Maggie answered.

"How? Where is she? Is she dead?" I questioned, hoping that she was alive so I could deal with her.

"She's back in— back in the jail." Maggie stammered.

"What do you mean 'back'? She was already there. No one killed her after she shot him?" I asked while furrowing my eyebrows.

"He released her today after I told him you wanted her out. And no, we had guards retain her while we dealt with everything." She explained while scanning my face.

"Give me your jail keys." I ordered Maggie while peeling my feet from the floor to face her.

"I can't." She replied while shaking her head.

"Give me your fucking keys!" I screamed while watching her eyes jump frantically to Daryl and Glenn.

"Ma'am, you're upsetting our patients." One nurse told me as she approached us.

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