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" Jasmine cut it out

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" Jasmine cut it out." I called out.

"He hit me!" She huffed.

" Because she hit me first." Carter pushed her.

" hey! You guys can not be running around this house like this. It's glass everywhere. Relax before you go in the room." They stared at me with the cutest faces.

As much as I wanted to take it back and let them do what they wanted to do, I knew I had to stand firm in the things that I said. That's what Lamarcus and Joshua said or they're going to start being disrespectful. I don't want them to disrespect me because I love them.  Plus Lamarcus and Josh will get upset with them and I don't want that.

"I'm sorry." Jazmine sighed.

"We apologize." Carter ran off probably back to the game. I took them out this morning and bought them. A PlayStation and some toys. I don't know what kids play with today so I just let them pick whatever they wanted.

Lamarcus might be upset.

Jazmine rubbed my belly.

" how are babies made? Can I make one?"

" one, you are a beautiful little girl, who will turn into a beautiful woman, you are very capable of creating a life. That's one of our tricks. Two, babies are made from love. That's the only way that I believe they should be made. Always make sure the man who you decide to have kids with loves and respects you. Because that love and respect will travel down to your kids, always make sure you're having a baby with a man who is a standup guy."

" what is a standup guy?"

" someone who can not only provide and protect, but can respect you, and what you bring to the relationship. If a man ask you what you bring to the table, leave that table." She nodded. " it's not about the objects that you can bring to the table or labor that you could bring to the table, it's about the feeling and the love, and with that comes a lot that naturally happens." She nodded. " just remember that, you understand what I'm saying, when you get older.

" I want to be pregnant."

" you will be just wait until your about 21. Don't make any permanent decisions like having a baby until 21. No matter what any man tells you, make sure you're old enough to truly understand the decisions that you make. No baby until 21."

" mommy help me when she was 16 turning 17."

" don't be like your mom, and every mother wants their child to be better than them. You have to make better decisions. Your mom loves you and she's happy to have you, if she could've picked a better situation she would have so you do that."

" how old are you?"

" I am 25." She smiled.

" you are older than 21."

" you don't necessarily have to be 21, just wait till you're 21 before you start making those type of decisions. Because once you have a baby, you have something forever. The baby is a lifelong commitment. You need to enjoy your life as a young adult first."

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