59. Team Natsu vs Hades Part 2

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My eyes follows Natsu as he charges to Hades before he scream, sending a fireball on his direction but Hades easily blocks it with his hand with a wave. Though as the fire disappeared, i can see his eyes widen a bit probably not expecting another attack coming as Erza appear in front of him and slash her sword on his direction. My eyes then fell on Gray who took a stance after Erza and sends his ice make magic, Excalibur on Hades making me blink before i turn my head slightly hearing Lucy's voice.

There was a bull that appear suddenly and i can hear Lucy telling him to attack Hades as it let out a mooing sound and charge forward with a large axe on his hands. Then a small voice reach my ears and i look to the side and sees Wendy casting some spells that i can't quite understand before a glow surrounds everyone's body. I blink slightly as i notice that it was an enchantment spells to support them and give their movements and attacks a boost and i can't help but feel amazed about it. I watch them all fought and move in sync and it's really impressive how they seem to understand what the other thinks by just looking on each others eyes, sending a message and move after that.

But even though they fight together at once, Hades weren't that easy to defeat as he summons a chain, and just as Erza is about to attack again. The chain wrap itself to her before Hades throw her on Gray making them both collide and hit the ground. My eyes widen a bit before he did the same to Natsu but my eyes narrow slightly and i see an opening. I quickly flew on Hades and charge my power into his side, leaving it open for any open attack and i heard him scream before he got send to the ground.

My body rolled on the ground before it stop and i panted a bit feeling some pain from the impact when i hit the ground.

I look up a bit and see the others already getting back on their feet. I took a deep breath before pushing myself up and steadied my feet on the ground as i look to where Hades is.

He stood up and glared at me before summoning the chain again and wrap it to me in a swift move taking me by surprise. I grunt slightly feeling it tighten around me before i felt myself being thrown and hit the wall hard making me scream as i fall on the floor.


I let out a few coughs hearing the others movements and some thuds. Though i stay on the floor for a moment still feeling a bit weak before i get back on my feet again just in time to see Natsu being thrown at the floor followed by Hades magic hitting him on his back. My eyes widen at it, hearing Natsu's painful scream and the others calling out his name.

Gold coins appear on my hand and i throw it all to Hades, and just it came in contact with him it exploded simultaneously giving me a chance to go near him before i blast him with my magic sending him out to the wall.

“ E.. Enlil..”

I heard Natsu calls for me and i turn my head to look at him and crouch down beside his body. I took his arm and help him get back up and he gives me an appreciative nod before we turn our heads to where Hades is.

“ Impressive”

My ears perked up hearing Hades voice from behind the smoke and when it disappeared, he was there, standing like nothing happened making me narrow my eyes.

“ I guess Makarov had done a great job with you fairies.. ” he said as his eyes scan the others.  “ Though.. not strong enough to be able to defeat me”

My jaw clench hearing the mock on his voice. Natsu growls a bit and glared at him as he slowly stood up swaying a bit.

“ Gramps did everything he could do raising us and treat everyone as his own family. He accepted and teach us about how to become a proper wizard. While i don't know what your issue is with him, you still have no right to mock his way of being himself!” Natsu scream as he charges forward again.

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