66. Home at Fairytail

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Everyone are frozen in shocked. Their eyes wide as they held their breath. Seven years? That's how long it has been. For the others might be yes but for them it feels just like yesterday when they left Magnolia and go to Tenrou island for the trial. No wonder things have been looked so different and also their appearance. Thoughts of questions run on their mind but they can't seem to decide what to ask first. It felt surreal.

“ Seven years?” Erza whispered to herself.

The girl looks down on her lap. She was silent as well as the others as silence filled the room. She was thinking a lot of things until her mind settled on one thing.


The girl are not with them. The last time she had seen her she was with them before Acnologia's blast hit them. So where could the girl be? Erza let out a shaky breath before she looks back up again and her gaze met the older woman, Poryluscia.

“ Master..” Lisanna called.

“ Yes?”

Both Makarov and Macao said at the same time making Lisanna to blink in surprise. Makarov look at the other man in surprise as Macao did the same. The others just watch as they wait for something to happen.

“ Uhm.. the old master, Makarov” Lisanna told them making the old man to look at her again as he let out a hum for her to continue.

“ I know that it's a lot to take everything in a day but I'd like to know if it is alright with you and everyone to let the rest of the members know about you all being back again” she asked as Makarov didn't say anything which made Macao to step in.

“ We've been keeping the information of you lot from the others and banned anyone to go here at the infirmary under strict orders. We don't want them to go here and burst and overwhelm you without knowing if everyone is alright and in good condition” he told them.

Makarov nodded his head thinking about what they said and appreciating the gesture from their team members.

“ I think you should. Everyone must have waited too long for us. And we don't want to keep them waiting anymore. Those seven years are enough and i guess, everyone are in condition to go outside so they can see us themselves. What do you say?” Makarov turn and look at the rest of the team Tenrou. They all agreed to him as Natsu was quickly on his feet still with the bandages wrapped around him while grinning widely.

The thought of surprising everyone made them a bit excited and kinda nervous of how much change had happened. Though deep down they are happy to be back again after what happened at the island. They still have things to settle and think through but for now seeing the rest of the guild members are on their top list.

Macao decides to go out first and get everyone's attention. Lisanna and Poryluscia stay with them as they all get out from the bed and get themselves ready to go outside. Though there's nothing much to do since they don't have any change of clothes with them and their current ones are all filled with holes and rips on some part as well as some dirt. No one had remove the bandages around them and just let it be. And when Lisanna opens the door, they all took a deep breath before going outside one by one. Erza walks silently beside Lucy as the girl notice it causing for the blonde girl to give her a soft pat on her back. Erza blinks in surprise at the contact and look up to see Lucy giving her a soft smile. She returns it before taking another deep breath as they walk.

There's a series of gasp from everywhere as well as some things being dropped by or broken. Once they look up they see everyone all staring at them wide eyed and mouth agape. Their eyes scan everyone taking in the changes that happened. It was silent for a moment until cheers and loud cries filled the guild. Tears filled their eyes as they all come and go to them. Erza was taken in surprise as a ball of green tackle her down making her stumble on the floor. In other circumstances Erza would have punch the person for doing that but when she heard to sob and cries of the person from her shoulder she relax herself and put a hand on their back. Bisca pulled away from her as tears stained her cheeks and smile at the girl. Her hair are longer now and some of her appearance had also changed.

“ You're real.. i thought.. I'm imagining it” she said softly. Erza smile down at the girl as they completely pull apart and stood up.

“ I'm not. And I'm really here as well as the others. Though I'm sorry for missing that long”

She tried to apologize but Bisca brush it off saying that there's nothing to be sorry for since they are back. She was about to say something more but a voice interrupt them making Erza to turn her head at the side. She watch as a small girl walk towards them and to Bisca.

“ Mama!”

The girl calls out as she hugs Bisca on her legs. Erza stared in shocked as her lips parted a bit. Not believing what she's seeing. Bisca have a daughter now? She thought before someone's voice makes her turn again from the side seeing another person.

“ It's good to see you back, Erza. It's been a while”

Alzack said and Erza was once again are left in shock. He also had changed. His hair are now shorter and not on emo style that's dump from a side.

“ Alzack, i almost didn't recognize you there. And yeah it's good to be back” she said smiling a bit before her eyes go to the little girl again.

“ This is Asuka, she's our daughter” Bisca said as the little girl wearing some cowboy outfit turn to look at her. Erza felt her cheeks heated up at the thought of Bisca and Alzack being together and married.

Those little introduction were heard by Makarov as he starts gushing about how cute the girl was that it also caught the others attention. They are all surprised about the two mage being together that it earns them a few teasing from everyone especially Cana and Mirajane. Though they are happy for them.

Everyone's excitement makes the guild buzzing as they all starts to celebrate them being home. Lisanna and Kinana stops Mirajane from helping them at the bar and just told her to relax and enjoy the party to which she appreciate. They all catch up on what happens during the last seven years and why the guild looks so small. After explaining the things to them, they wonder how much change had really happen for their guild to be push and cast aside just like that. Hearing the things they experience and the troubles from everyone makes them all feel guilty as anger build up inside them. It was mostly Romeo who's telling Natsu and the rest those things since Macao doesn't want to dump it all on them. Though Makarov and the others are thankful that the kid had told them. It makes them all go silent for a moment. Letting the words and information sink in from their mind. But it didn't take the tension to stay more longer as a brawl got started between Natsu and Gajeel before Gray got drag in until some of the members decided to join as well. The scene brought some memories from the old guild and nostalgia that makes them all laugh. It all felt right, like something didn't change at all. It's like this.. their home. Fairytail..

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