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NOT EVEN A SINGLE DAY after what quite possibly may had been Rebecca Carrow's worst day on the planet, she was being summoned

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NOT EVEN A SINGLE DAY after what quite possibly may had been Rebecca Carrow's worst day on the planet, she was being summoned. It was barely morning, on the cusp of the morning break between classes when Professor McGonagall was setting a small, folded piece of parchment atop her desk in passing. It was nothing more than a glance at first, the older woman easily passing through the rows of students scribbling away on their work. The mere sight of the folded scrap of parchment sent Rebecca spiraling into her own head, overthinking the very contents of such a small object – a growing bout of hesitation in her chest before she was reaching out to grasp it. Unfolding the parchment, and with a glance to McGonagall who had given the most discrete of nods in her direction, she ducked her head down to read it.

Professor Lupin wishes to speak with you.

Almost immediately, Rebecca was cowering inwardly, absolutely dreading the conversation that was yet to come. She refolded the parchment, shoving it deep into her bag before feeling her body tense and sink into her seat. Professor McGonagall only had made her she had read the note before she was starting up her spiel on the new lesson they were to begin in the following week. Once the bell tower had begun chiming to single the end of class, Rebecca was exiting the classroom and entering the filling hallway with a queasy stomach.

"Hiya," A voice chirped as a figure fell into step at her side, making her jerk slightly in surprise before settling at the familiar deep gray eyes of Cedric Diggory, "what's got you so off-colour?" The Hufflepuff was instantly concerned, worry-lines etched into his usually handsome face and eyes searching hers.

"I have to go speak with Lupin," Rebecca murmured gravely, briefly catching his gaze before she was tugging nervously at her fingers, "what if he told Dumbledore? What if they're both there waiting to have a full-on interrogation?"

"I'm sure it's going to be okay –"

"What if they get the Ministry involved?" She continued in a whisper.

"Is that really the worst thing?" Cedric murmured hesitantly, gently grasping her fingertips and pulling them both to a stop aside the crowded corridor, "honestly, think about it –"

"They'll ship me off to a children's home, Cedric," Rebecca exclaimed incredulously, trying her best to keep her voice low despite the nerves, "or worse – they'll somehow be persuaded that nothing's wrong and I'm playing around or joking and Mother will be furious and —"

"Look, I'll go with you," He offered, gesturing down the hallway, "I'll walk you there myself," at her hesitation, he nodded encouragingly, "okay?"

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