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THE MORNING OF THE FINAL Quidditch match of the season, Gryffindor was versus Slytherin for the House Cup

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THE MORNING OF THE FINAL Quidditch match of the season, Gryffindor was versus Slytherin for the House Cup. In a change of events, Rebecca had woken up with a start – jumping right out of bed at the sight of the time on the clock on her bedside. She dressed quickly, hopping around as she trying to tug on her shoes before ducking out of her dormitory; hoping to at least catch a glimpse of the players before they made way towards the pitch. It was unusual for her to be late for things, she was always one to try and be punctual – but after meeting with Sirius, then having a rather late night doing revisions, it seemed that time had got the best of her. With a scarlet and gold scarf around her neck, and a emerald and silver bobble hat atop her head, she made quick steps towards the Great Hall.

It might've seemed silly, or looked rather peculiar, but she only wished to support both sides of the game – seeing as she knew players on both sides that'd be rather annoying to see her support the other.

Thankfully, when she ducked into the hall, she found multiple players still sitting and conversing and eating alongside their friends and teammates. Seeing as the lions were preoccupied, she made way towards the Slytherin table and right up to where the last lingering players sat – after tugging off the Gryffindor scarf from her neck and tucking it away and out of sight from them.

"Here to join the winning side, I see," Roan was immediately smiling up at her oncoming shadow, spotting the bobble hat easily with a smug look.

"Here to wish you luck," Rebecca insisted playfully, returning the smile, "not that you'll need much of it, Captain."

"With Potter's new Firebolt, I dunno..."

Rebecca was cut off by the voice of Marcus Flint before she could assure Roan they'd be fine.

"–not to mention her buying new gear for those weasels –" He had proclaimed with a scowl, earning a sharp glare from the duo a few seats down, "your own sister is working against us, Captain."

"I can do what I please, Flint –" She retorted with an equally as harsh scowl, eyebrows furrowing momentarily, "it's none of your concern who and what I spend my own money on," At his eye-roll, she felt her lips turn deeper into the snarl.

"Do well to remember that Malfoy had his father buy you all new brooms right before a match just last year," Rebecca folded her arms over her chest, staring down at Marcus.

"It's not like you'd ever understand," The snaggle-tooth teen spat out with a scoff, "so why don't you just go and join those bloodtraitors and mudbloods you care so much for – seeing as you are one."

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