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THE NIGHT HAD FALLEN FAR too quickly for both father and daughter's liking

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THE NIGHT HAD FALLEN FAR too quickly for both father and daughter's liking. The once azure sky had deepened and bursted with flames of pinks, reds, and oranges, bringing in the sunset. They had sat with one another for a long while, hidden behind rows of shrubs and trees, just staring out to the inky waters of the Black Lake in each other's silent comfort. Even while there were so many things to share – so many questions yet to be asked and answered – they had kept their silence and sat side by side to bask in the knowledge that they were finally reunited once again after twelve years.

"You have get back to the castle," Sirius spoke up quietly as the clouds began rolling in and growing darker overhead, "you've missed lunch for me, you can't miss dinner as well – I'd be a bad father if I allow that."

"I wish you could come with me," She uttered, a saddened expression folding her features as she lifted her head up from it's place on his shoulder, "where do you even sleep?"

"I have a place, don't you worry about me," He insisted with a small smile, reaching up slowly to push back her hair behind her ears, "you've done enough worrying for a lifetime – let me worry over you now."

"Can I come see you again tomorrow?" Rebecca questioned softly.

"I'd love nothing more," Sirius nodded, matching the smile before pressing a soft peck to her forehead, "go on now – but remember, no one is to know of my presence here. You weren't even supposed to know."

"I've already forgotten," She assured him, jokingly holding out a hand in greeting, "hi, nice to meet you, what's your name, good sir?"

"That's my girl."

Sirius stood, dusting himself off before grasping the outstretched hand to help Rebecca up and onto her feet as well. They embraced once more, filling their senses with one another midst a firm squeeze – enough to last them the night until the next day. He was the first to pull away, smiling sadly before having to take a step back further into the forest. Rebecca watched her father morph back down into his animagus, the black dog giving her a slight nod before turning and bounding out of sight right into the dense darkness of trees and shrubs and vines. She stood there for a moment, her eyes straining against the shadows before releasing a slow breath and turning away.

The Ravenclaw trekked up the dirt path back towards the populated portion of the campus, having lit her wand with a lumos to guide her way. The castle's hallways dwindled with students, most already within the Great Hall for dinner. After having made a quick stop into the bathroom to check over her appearance and clean up her face with a few splashes of water, Rebecca wandered towards the hall once more. The room was filled with the usual chatter and scattered laughter as she stepped in alongside a hoard of others, her eyes zeroing in on the Gryffindor table with the utmost ease – which she'd never admit to.

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