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WARM SUNLIGHT SHONE through the half-drawn white curtains, spreading like a wildfire across the length of the small room

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WARM SUNLIGHT SHONE through the half-drawn white curtains, spreading like a wildfire across the length of the small room. In a surprising turn of events, little songbirds could be heard chirping and crooning from the outside world – only but a wisp of fresh air and the smell of freshly-cut grass and blooming wildflowers being able to circulate through the small opening of the lifted window. Seated in two chairs, side-by-side on the same side of a twin-sized bed, both Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were fast asleep – almost grotesquely figured into a most-likely-not comfortable position within their seats.

Remus had slept crookedly in his chair, his head slumped to one side and his back hunched over as he rested on the other man's shoulder. Sirius was slumped in the opposing direction, his own head atop the taller man's and an arm curled around the limp one that had fell across his legs that were bent up and tucked towards his chest. Unbeknownst to one another, just like years prior – their hands had searched out for one another's within their deep sleep in an attempt of finding comfort, their fingers laced loosely and held together between themselves.

And it was the first thing Rebecca saw when she peeled her eyes open for the first time in a few weeks. Her head was turned to face them, her body still and stiff against the squishy mattress. She eyed the two men, weakly mustering a smile to herself as she watched them snooze. Though, almost immediately once her eyes opened – as if he had felt a sudden disturbance – Remus Lupin's eyes were fluttering open. Upon catching sight of the slow-blinking hazel irises, he let a small breath of relief escape pass his lips and a breathtaking grin began spreading across his scarred features. And as if the beaming, golden sunlight through the window wasn't enough to light up a room – that very smile was.

"Don't try to move," He spoke softly, leaning forward in his seat before she could begin to shuffle around from laying on her back, "no sudden movements – you'll hurt yourself."

Remus' eyes caught onto something else then, a slight flush of pink tinting his cheeks at the sight of his hand laced with Sirius' before he had gently removed it. The dark haired man immediately uttered incoherently midst his sleep, his forehead creasing with a sleepy pout and furrowed brows before his eyelids began to flutter and grey irises were revealed to the world once more. In just seconds, after glancing to a very-much-awake Remus, he too had sat up abnormally straight in his seat when he caught eyes of a silent, droopy smile being sent his way.

"Oh, Pup," Sirius let out hoarsely, both his hands quickly jutting out to take Rebecca's limp one into his and cradling it with a watery smile, "h-how are you feeling? Do y-you want anything? Hungry? I-I can whip up –"

"Sirius, let her gain some bearings first," Remus scolded him quietly, though there was no true malice to his words, his hand gently smoothing black ringlets at the top of her head absentmindedly, "she's just woken up."

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