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REBECCA KNEW BETTER than to just straight out believe Sirius' words and all his little proclamations

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REBECCA KNEW BETTER than to just straight out believe Sirius' words and all his little proclamations. She had heard it all from him before – just another version of the same old promises – and nothing had truly changed between them. But yet, her own words had rang true; it didn't stop her heart from hoping – praying that he'd actually mean it this time. For the rest of their few days leading up to their return to Hogwarts, the man would do all he could to prove himself to his daughter. All starting out with his apology towards the Weasley twins; more so towards Fred. Sirius had taken the effort to speak to the older twin privately – and after a small mix-up between the two and yet another apology – they took to the drawing room.

Rebecca was passing the second landing when she faltered on the steps, watching as both Fred and Sirius ducked into the middle door of the corridor. The door was shut closed behind them, and she took the next moment to near it slowly – intending to eavesdrop. Though, before she could even press her ear to the door, Mad-Eye came clunking up the steps and made a silent gesture for her to follow him. Frowning, and hesitating with another glance towards the door – fearing that a dual would break out between her boyfriend and father – Rebecca was sighing and giving into following after the Auror. Now on the first floor, they both ducked into the family office where Tonks was already waiting, leant up against a bookcase and perusing a thick tome.

"Hey, Cuzzo," The woman smiled, catching their movement before she was chucking the book onto the nearest surface.

"Hiya," Rebecca responded with a similar smile.

"Have you done as I asked?" Mad-Eye questioned shortly as soon as he had shut the door behind them, clunking further into the room.

"You mean fill up more of those tiny little vials you gave me with any form of my tears?" She hummed sarcastically, rocking on the balls of her feet before she was giving a curt nod, "I have."

"And while we are on the topic – just why do you need these vials?" She pondered aloud, raising an eyebrow at the man, "I know the first few were for testing and such, but in asking for more, I have to ask – what's the plan?"

"Well, that's both half confidential and half not," Tonks cleared her throat slightly, stealing a brief glance to her mentor, "what you can know is that they're being put to very good use," She flashed a small, reassuring smile, "and yes, some testing is being performed – just perhaps, not quite as you might think."

"And that's all you're allowed to know right now," Mad-Eye stated gruffly, sparing a leveled look to his protégée, his magical eye whirling around the room before meeting the younger witch's gaze, "now if you wouldn't mind going to grab what's needed, I have a few places to be."

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