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THE DAYS PASSED RATHER quickly now with the Weasley family also within 12 Grimmauld Place

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THE DAYS PASSED RATHER quickly now with the Weasley family also within 12 Grimmauld Place. Thankfully, there weren't many awkward pauses or shifty glances in silence anymore because a redhead usually filled them with a joke or a contagious smile. Exactly a week from when the family had arrived, Hermione showed up with Emmeline Vance and was immediately greeted and shown to her shared room with Ginny. Additionally, with Grimmauld Place being the headquarters for The Order of the Phoenix, it meant many people were constantly coming in and out the front door and more often than naught, they'd all be tucked away in the kitchen and speaking together in hushed tones.

Also, the same week Hermione had gotten there just so happened to be the same week Rebecca met Nymphadora Tonks for the first time, in apparently many years. The young Auror had stumbled right into her cousin who had been moving towards the staircase with her head turned downward – immediately going wide eyed as she fell back onto her butt, and abruptly blurting out just how similar Rebecca looked to her father once she was helped up back onto her clumsy feet.

"I swear, it's almost freaky how alike you both look," Tonks stated, almost in awe before letting out a short, wispy breath, "Gosh, you probably don't even remember me, huh?"

Rebecca only frowned slightly, trying her best to rack her scattered memories and pull forth anything relevant, "I'm sorry," She murmured dejectedly.

"Don't even apologize," The woman stated softly, mustering up another smile, "I remember seeing you once in Hogwarts, as a little first year – you had gotten lost and asked Charlie for directions to the kitchens."

"You know Charlie?" The Ravenclaw questioned, feeling slightly better at the common information, "wait – did you used to have blue hair?"

"Yes!" Tonks beamed, nodding quickly, "Charlie and I were in the same year," She grinned, looking remarkably happier, "Mum had told me to keep a lookout for you – make sure you were safe and kept to your work," She let out a round of laughter, "she didn't really know what I was like in Hogwarts, of course. Me? Keep you out of trouble? I could barely keep myself out of it!"

At Rebecca's slightly confused look, Tonks continued, "My mum is Sirius' cousin, Andromeda," She smiled sheepishly, "bit of a dramatic handful, but what Black isn't, yanno? Then there's Dad – his name is Ted – bit of a slob, but that's plain ol' Dad for ya."

"Maybe I can take you to see them again?" The woman offered nonchalantly, already beginning to grin again when her young cousin began nodding rapidly.

"I – yes – I mean – t-that'd be really nice," Rebecca agreed almost immediately, tripping over her excited words as her chest blossomed with hope and happiness at the sheer idea of meeting more members of her family, "do you think we could go –"

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