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THE YOUNG COUPLE hadn't spoke once to one another since they left agreed to leave the flat above Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes; not even a mere utterance beneath their breaths as they joined hands and left the confines of their room

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THE YOUNG COUPLE hadn't spoke once to one another since they left agreed to leave the flat above Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes; not even a mere utterance beneath their breaths as they joined hands and left the confines of their room. Rebecca figured Fred must've left midway through her finishing packing their bag to talk to his twin brother, because George – who had stood stiffly in the middle of the front room – only gave them a sympathetic look as he watched them step through the front door. And even with no communication between them, they both knew that there was only one place they should go. Taking the lead once out of the flat, Rebecca had made them re-appear just meters away from the front porch of the Lupin household.

With quick, long strides and wands steady at their sides, the couple moved swiftly from standing in the broad daylight to under the stone awning of the porch. Fred was the one to knock, the clenched fist that held his wand pounding one, two, three times upon the front door.

When Remus first pulled open the front door of the cottage, he immediately began to grin at the sight of the two familiar faces. More so, when he remembered the exact conversation both he and Sirius had with Fred just hours prior in the day. Almost at once, his hazel eyes darted down to his daughter's left hand, expecting to see a new glint or shimmer of gold or silver reflecting against the waning sunlight. Instead, he had found her fingers grasping the straps of a grey duffle bag; nothing more than the usual sapphire promise ring donning her finger and her knuckles turned slightly white from the tight grasp she held. Remus' smile began to fade then, like snow melting in the burning sun – and his eyes flicked back up and between both the younger wizard and witch's faces.

"I-I'm sorry," Rebecca began hastily, her voice wavering slightly as she swallowed nervously and felt her own gaze flicker downward in a growing shame, "for showing up so...unexpectedly –"

"Nonsense, sweetling," Remus interjected, his frown deepening briefly before he stepped to one side and ushered them both inside, "you know you're always welcomed here."

With a gentle hand to the small of her back, Fred gave Rebecca a slight nudge to step inside before following in after her. She did so quietly, eyes still trained downward and chewing the inside of her cheek nervously. Remus shut the door behind them both, his mind still whirling and trying to piece everything together – unfortunately falling short on the reason the couple had looked so 'down in the dumps' as well as holding a bag of clothes between them. Though, as he held much concern and confusion, Lyall Lupin had happily hobbled into the front room to see what all the fuss was about; immediately grinning and tugging both Fred and Rebecca into a tight squeeze in greeting.

"And what did we do to get this happy surprise?" Lyall questioned gleefully, clasping his hands together once he released the couple from his death grip and ushered them further into the den, "finally paying your favourite person a visit, are you? It has been some time..."

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