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THE SPONTANEOUS ENGAGEMENT didn't even last more than a week

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THE SPONTANEOUS ENGAGEMENT didn't even last more than a week. Sticking to their impulsive and spur-of-the-moment plans – both Sirius and Remus didn't see the point in waiting much longer to be wed. It wasn't that they needed the 'confirmation' of their relationship on legal documentation, they only wished to finally be able to call themselves bound for life and have it mean something, not only to themselves, but finally to the world. Or at least, the muggle part of it. True to her word, the moment the 'formal' announcement was released to the others – a hoard of howlers sent out in Sirius Black's voice exclaiming the engagement story word for word – Rebecca made sure she was fully prepared and on standby for when they needed her.

It was July 16th when the day came. Unfortunately for them, a proper wedding reception wasn't completely ideal in the times they were in – nor were they completely wanted. The only thing that was requested from the couple was their closest friends and family to have a simple dinner party after the private muggle ceremony was over. So, that's exactly what the self-proclaimed wedding planner, Rebecca A. Black, did. Both her and Lyall Lupin took charge of setting up the Lupin household for a plethora of guests, and being sure that the to-be couple stayed far away for the time being. With some additional help from the ever faithful Fred Weasley, of course.

"Where do you want to hang this?"

Shifting her gaze away from turning the dining table's centerpiece around for the millionth time, Rebecca peered up, finding Fred holding up the neatly folded 'congratulations' banner.

"I think by the front door," She uttered after a moment, chewing her bottom lip mindlessly, trying to picture the perfect set-up, "so we can get a nice photograph the moment they walk in."

Fred only nodded dutifully, stepping right out of the opened archway and back towards the front room. Rebecca returned to setting the table, placing and aligning each utensil, glass, and dish before moving onto the next placemat. After having set the magically elongated table, and being sure to do a final headcount to be sure everyone fit nicely – Fred finally returned from hanging the banner.

"Okay, now where do you want this?"

Rebecca turned away from arranging one of the four large vases of assorted flowers, her eyebrows immediately furrowing in finding both his arms empty but wide open, "but there's...Fred, you're not even holding anything..?"

"Where do you want this," He repeated, only then gesturing to himself and shuffling over to where she stood, "because I think it should be riiight here," he circled his arms around her waist as soon as he was close enough, setting his chin atop her shoulder.

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