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Since his last visit to the club, Hyunjin and Felix tried to talk to each other more often and that's why they exchange their phone number.
Hyunjin was now in his office,their last mission was a success and he was at ease,not to much of worry.

Good morning kitten!
How are you?

Kitten 😻
Hello Hyung!
I'm fine you?

Now I'm cause
I talk with u

Kitten 😻
Hyung!! Stop
I'm embarrassed 😔

Sorry kitten
but I can't help it !

When you'll come again?
I ask for Jisung not for me...

Oh for Jisung😏
Tell him that we will come soon
But u know I'm kinda sad

Why? Someone hurt u??

Hum no...I just miss you
But you don't seem to miss me back😔

I miss you too Hyung
I'm sorry I was just embarrassed to tell it to you.
😣 sorry

I forgive you
But you have to make it up to me
next time😉

Oh ok Hyunjin Hyung
But I don't know a lot of thing unfortunately
I just know how to dance...

Hum ok it's ok
You just have to dance if it's the only thing u know...

Ok then, I'm sorry
I don't know a lot of thing.
But don't worry I will do my best

I would like to talk to you more
Kitten but I have a meeting.
I will text you next time bye 😘

Ok hyung good bye!

Hyunjin smiled a little. Felix was so oblivious,he didn't even know that Hyunjin just wanted a good reason to have a private dance with him. He made his way to the meeting room where his parents and three other person were talking. He didn't know why they wanted to talk to him and what was the urgency,but he couldn't just say no to his parents. His mom could beat him up.

"Hello son,sit down we have a lot of thing to talk about" his dad started. He sat down and raise slightly his eyebrow toward the three strangers with them. "You must wonder who they are" his mom said seeing the question on his son's face. "They're the Jang and their daughter Wonyoung. They will be our next partner." Hyunjin was a little bit upset,he was the CEO and he was the one with the most of part in the company with 60% not his parents anymore. They can't take any decision without consulting him.

"I may seem rude but, what are you guys talking about? Our futur partner?" He asked. "Yes son,we planned to merge our two business and m-" Hyunjin knew where all this shit came from and he didn't like this twist,really didn't like it. "Excuse me dad,mom but there will not be some kind of merge with my company without my consent. And I know what you guys trying to do,I told you that I'm not interested in marriage,don't try to do this with me." He now looked at the girl,she was pretty,really pretty and seems like a good mannered woman but too bad, he wasn't really into woman.

"I'm sorry mr and mrs Jang but this is just a waste of time and I'll not change my mind. Don't try to pressure me about it, you all can now go out of my company. I have more important thing to do than talking about some merge and wedding." He said and made his way out of the meeting room. He didn't even let his parents say something,it's not like he had nothing to do! He had a lot of thing to do and no time to waist with someone and the worst part of this is that the person was a girl. "Are they out of their mind?" He mumbled will sitting in his office.

Few minutes later,his parents bursted into the room. They was very angry but Hyunjin couldn't care less. "Hwang Hyunjin! What was that!" His dad yelled at him. "You embarrassed us in front of the Jang!" He scoffed,he made them embarrassed?! "I was the one embarrassed here mom! You take decisions in my life and in my company without my knowing! What the hell? Am I some kid to you? I'm fucking 24 years old,I'm a grown ass man and don't want you order me around and just oblige me to marry someone!"

He was angry too,how could they do that to him? He knew they wanted him to be married and all but he didn't think they will go this far and trying to merge his company,what a joke. "We do that for your own good Hyunjin-ah. You know we love you too much and seeing you alone is just a waste of time. We are getting older and we want to see you happy with your loved one, my baby." His mom tried the other method,the emotional one. But that didn't work with him. "How could you think that I'll be happy with some arranged marriage!? And don't call me baby when few minutes ago you tried to ruin my life!"

"Us! Ruining your life! You don't need us to ruining your life young man,you did it by yourself when you chose to embarrass us and yourself in front of them." His dad said. "Very funny haha! It's your fault,you are the one who embarrass yourself. Who told you to bring them here? Me? No so taste your own medicine and don't talk about embarrassments with me." He said. "Seriously,me marrying someone I don't know and never saw all my life? Did you guys think this was some kind of prank or reality show?" He continued.

"Hyunjin,even if you refuse her we will not let it slide,did you hear me? This is a good opportunity for the company and you as well." "My company and myself don't need your good opportunity and I will refuse her again and again,just try me and send her here again, I'll show you...just test me again." He didn't like to argue with his parents but this is just too much, how could they? Are they out of their mind or something?

He looked at them dead serious,he knew they will not stop there,they're blood related and he was stubborn just like them,all the Hwang were. "Don't ever force me to marrying someone,did you hear me cause I'll refuse. Oh and if you didn't know already,if it's not a dick what they have down there,never think I will looking twice at them. Now go out I have a lot of things to do."

And just like that,he turn around and didn't give a glance to them. They knew he was attracted by boy,that's what they understood when Yeji told it to them the last time Hyunjin visited them,that's why they looked for a really pretty girl,but they didn't know he wasn't into girl at all.

Minho was right,Being bi was just an excuse to Hyunjin. He seems to really not being into them.
Oh and Wonyoung is just another Character in this story so don't spread hate to the real Jang Wonyoung,she had a lot already and she don't deserve it,she is such a cutie.
I hope you enjoyed the double update!! Byeee

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