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It's been 3 weeks since Felix and Hyunjin met each other,Hyunjin was very busy trying to find who stole their weapons,they had to elaborate a whole plan and it was very tiring for everyone. He didn't have time to text or call his Kitten,he really tried but every time he was free,he drifted to sleep. No one can blame him,he worked 22hours per day with barely 2 hours of sleep. But fortunately,they almost finished their work and he had one day free to sleep maybe but he will not,he had something to do.

He wanted to buy a gift for his kitten even through he couldn't go to the club before all of this ended,he knew his kitten was comprehensive enough and accept his apologies with some gift. After few hours at the mall,he find a very good present for Felix,he will surely look good in those. He will be very cute with this,I can't wait to see him in them. He paid and they wrapped it in a box. He wrote something on a paper before put it in that box.

He drove to the club,he didn't want Felix to see him,he knew he will not let him go and for no he can't stay with him. He planned to take him with him one day because he couldn't bear the fact that his kitten was this away from him. But that's for after,now he had to give this gift to Felix. He saw a guard outside of the club and decided to call him. The guard made his away toward the luxurious car and now at Hyunjin,he was pretty popular,he was one of the richest CEO of Asia and a lot of person knew him. "Good morning Mr Hwang,what can I do for you?" "I want you to give this to Felix,you know the blue haired boy."

The guard gulped,he was not allowed to deliver something to the dancer without the boss approval and Felix was the more targeted with this rules. No one could approach him or give him gift out of his shift and the staff was not allowed to go near him. "I-I'm sorry Mr Hwang but that's not possible." Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?" "Felix can't receive any gift form outsider without Boss approval." Hyunjin chuckled a little,nobody could refuse something to him and this filthy guy was not a exception. "I will not repeat myself,you will give it to him and I warn you if he won't have it I will come for you again." He gave the box to the poor guard and go.

Felix was sad,the last time Hyunjin text him was few weeks back. He didn't receive any message after it and he was too nervous to send him another. Maybe he is busy. That's what he thought the first week but not now anymore,he was so insecure,Hyunjin was a really handsome and rich guy,how could he want Felix, a boy who just dance in a club. Maybe he didn't want me anymore. All his mood dropped since then but every night he will just smile and give his best in the stage with a hope to see him after his show. But disappointment is all he met everytime.

He was currently in his room when someone knocked on the door. He lazily opened it,a security guard was there,he couldn't even make a eye contact with the blue haired boy. Any guard could,Jeongin will probably kill them if they look at his angel. " What's that?" He asked when the guard gave him a box. "This is for you,a man gave it to me." He explained. Felix just took the box and thanks him before closing the door. He was upset and sad not impolite.

He sat on his bed before opening the box,he saw a paper and decided to read it before hand.
Hello kitten! I'm so sorry for not paying you visit but I was very busy,I didn't meant to ditch you. There's a gift for you to ask for your forgiveness,I hope you will like it and forgive me. Oh and I decide to keep one item with me,maybe one day I could put it on you and complete the outfit. Don't hesitate to send me some pictures,I will die just to see you in those.

All the sadness he felt for those 3 weeks just vanished when he read the paper. He smiled and immediately threw away the other paper covering the box content. The first thing catching his eyes was the cat fluffy white ears,he pet it a little with shiny eyes,he loved the cat ears. He put it next to him and take the other item,this one made him blush a little,he didn't know why seeing it made him feel weird in his stomach. It was a white collar with kitten wrote in gold letters. Why I feel like wanting to wear it every time?

He put it next to the cat ears and pulled out the white long socks and the white sneakers. He saw a white hoodie with a skirt... "A skirt!" He was a blushing mess. Don't get him wrong,he loved wearing skirt,cross dressing was one of his favorite hobby but he didn't know how Hyunjin knew it. He put those thoughts away and decided to put the clothes on, after wearing it he look at himself on the mirror and even through he didn't have enough self confidence,he liked what he was seeing.

He liked the fact that Hyunjin bought him those clothes,he liked the fact that it's suited him so well,he liked the fact that he had a collar with his favorite nickname on it and he liked the babygirl vibe radiating from him. He liked all of this,maybe just because he was alone in his room and nobody could see him wearing it and juge him or just maybe because it was Hyunjin's gift for him. He couldn't lie,hw liked everything Hyunjin did either it's for him or not, Hyunjin was too perfect for Felix,never he would dislike what Hyunjin did. Whipped much? Yes sir.

"He want me to send him some pictures and forgive him. He knows that I can't be mad at him." He took his phone and began to take a lot of pictures just for Hyunjin to see. He took a lot of pose,some very suggestive bit he was oblivious of that,he just saw some tips on Instagram and decide to do it. After choosing which one he will send to Hyunjin,Felix change but keep the collar cause why not when he feel safe wearing it?

Hello Hyung.
I forgive you,I know you were busy.
I receive your gift and I like them,thank you but it was not necessary.
There's some pictures,I hope you'll like it.
[5 pictures attached]

Hello everyone! There is another chapter.
Did you see Felix wings tattoo for the 2 day? Did it have a meaning? Why does Everyone try to kiss Changbin but the one he want to is didn't kiss him 😂😂 poor Binnie just let Minho kiss you if Hyunjin don't.


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