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Hyunjin was in his office with Minho,they discussed about what happened last night. Hyunjin really wanted to cry,he could bear failure but he couldn't bear losing his men. They were so loyal that they chose to sacrifice themselves so their basement won't be discover. Fortunately they had any family,they only family was the mafia,Hyunjin will make a good funeral for them so they could rest in peace. "We will find another plan Hyunjin,don't pressure yourself too much." Minho tried to comfort him. "How couldn't I Hyung! It was my fault,I shouldn't have been imprudent,I should have been careful enough and elaborate a better plan."

It was in the evening,Minho and Hyunjin just had their meal when Minho's phone abruptly ringed. "Hello squirrel,miss me already?" Minho said cockily just just to be shutting down by Jisung. "It's not that,can you please give me Hyunjin? I'm worried about Felix." Minho didn't hesitate when he heard the worry in Jisung voice. He gave the phone to Hyunjin who eyed him confusingly. "What is it?" He asked Jisung. "Do you know where is Felix?" He asked rapidly,he was so worried. "At home probably,he was there when I went to work. Why?" "Because I called him since this morning but he didn't answered any of my call and he never did that before,he would always answer."

It was really the first time,Jisung called him hundred of times since this morning and now he could just sat there without doing something,he needed to know where his baby was. Hyunjin began to be worried to,je remembered snapping at him that morning. "I will call him or the maids and I will call you back." Jisung said a small ok before Hyunjin gave the phone back to Minho. He called Felix,once,twice,thrice but nothing so he didn't waste anymore time and called the main maid.

"Hello Master,what can I do for you?" She asked his boss. "Do you know where is Felix? Did he go out?" "No,he went to his room just after you. Do you want me to look for him?" She questioned already on her way to Felix room. "Yes please." "Hold on sir." She knocked at the door but no answer,she tried to open the door but it was locked. "Sir his room is locked,should I open it with the key?" Hyunjin gave her his approval and she took her key which contained every key of every room except Hyunjin's office and entered there. She didn't saw him in the bedroom so she mad her way to the bathroom just to see Felix laying on the cold floor bleeding. "M-Master...he is unconscious on the floor and he is bleeding!"

Hyunjin froze,Felix was unconscious and he was bleeding. "Hang up! Hang up and call the doctor right know! And tried to put him in his bed!" Hyunjin panicked,he rushed out with Minho following him. He didn't know what happened though but he had the slight idea that Felix was hurt. "What's the problem Hyunjin?" He asked while taking the wheels,Hyunjin was in no state to drive. "Felix,Felix he is unconscious and...and he was bleeding. He is hurt Hyung omg!" Minho tried to calm the younger all the way home.

When they went there,the doctor was already there and told them to not disturb him and to stay out of the room. He walked back and forth in front of the room for few hours until they heard the ding in the main door. Minho went down,he was the one who told Felix's state to Jisung since he knew that Hyunjin couldn't think straight anymore. He opened the door and saw Jisung and Jeongin,he let them in and leaded them toward Felix's room. "What happened Hyunjin?" Jisung asked tears in his eyes,he was so scared that his baby won't make it. Who knew since when he was unconscious and bleeding. "I-I don't know,he was fine when I went onto work this morning. I slightly raised my voice at him because I was stressed but that was it."

Jeongin grab him by his neck,he was angry. His angel was hurt and that stupid guy raised his voice at him,how could he! "You did what! I told you to took care of him and not yelling at him you shit! Does he look like a stress ball huh! If something happens to him I will kill you do you hear me! If you can take care of him I will take him back,you don't deserve him you bastard!" Jeongin push him aggressively,ready to kill him. Hyunjin didn't talk back, he was already too guilty. Jeongin wanted to kick him but the door opened showing them the doctor. "How is he doctor?" Jisung precipitated to ask.

"He woke up,the reason of is unconsciousness was the lack of food and he probably knocked his head somewhere when he fell. He is now stable,he just have a slight wound in his head but nothing serious. There is some vitamin he should take to compensate the foods." Jisung and Jeongin directly went inside of the room to see Felix. Hyunjin was confused,he saw Felix eating a lot this morning but he didn't think about it much and just paid the doctor and wait for Jeongin and Jisung.

"Felix baby,you made us so worried! Tell me immediately what happened and don't lie to me." Felix looked at them but he was not sad or anything like that,he seemed quiet happy. He explained then what happened,he told them that yesterday he pressured Hyunjin to talk to him and that he snapped at him,he told them that this morning too he was so annoying that's he made the older angry. "The worst part is that I dared to eat something and I became ugly and fat,what a silly person I am right? But it's ok now I won't eat anymore so Hyung won't be mad at me."

Their heart just broke,hearing him taking all the fault or everything wasn't made them so sad. But the worst was that Felix just fell again in his habit,he did good since sometimes,he tried to eat but now he won't,he was sure that it was all his fault. "Don't tell that to Hyunjin Hyung ok? I don't want to worry him again,I'm already so guilty,he was probably so worried." "Can't you think about yourself a little Felix!" Jeongin said,he just wanted to take Felix with him and hide him from all the bad thing in this world. "You were unconscious,you could have die!" "I think about myself,I want to be with Hyunjin and I don't want him to be mad at me." He answered didn't seeing what was wrong with his act. For him as long as Hyunjin wasn't mad at him and as long as Hyunjin kept to hug him like before,everything was good and perfect.

Hello! There's another chapter.
I should have uploaded earlier but this morning I was so late 🥲 and I completely forgot at lunch. It's now 4:50pm here (UTC+3) and I have more than 1 hour left before going home.

Anyway I really hate how Hyunjin went out of it that easily.

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