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"Where are we Hyung?" Felix asked when Hyunjin parked his car on a strange parking lot with a lot of cars. They were in the garage of the headquarter,they had a lot of cars. "Before I take you in,I have to tell you something but promise me you won't hate me." Hyunjin said and Felix frowned. "I could never hate you Hyung,just tell me." And it was true Felix couldn't hate him whatever may occur or maybe... "I'm not just a CEO of a company kitten,I do other things my dad left on me. And...and,Omg I'm so scared you will hate me." Hyunjin chuckled nervously.

Felix put his hands on Hyunjin's and squeeze them together. Felix heart beat at a fast pace of anticipation. Hyunjin took a deep breath and after a lot of incoherent words later he began to speak. "I'm also a Mafia boss...since centuries our family has it and I was the one who inherited of it." Felix looked at him before sighing. "It was just that,I thought you wanted to tell me that you were sick and you will die soon." Hyunjin was relieved,he thought that Felix will take it bad and hate him for the rest of his life. "So that's mean you don't hate me?" Felix shook his head. "I told you that I could never hate you Hyunjinnie. Even if you attempt to kill me so don't worry."

"I will never attempt to kill you silly,your are too precious for me." Hyunjin smile and stroked Felix hair and like everytime he did it,Felix just lean more onto him to feel it better. Eventually Felix convinced Hyunjin to lift him on his back and that how he ended with his head on Hyunjin's shoulder while the older groaned at every person looking at Felix in the headquarter. "You sound just like a tiger hyung,maybe you are the kitten." Felix giggled and Hyunjin smiled at his cuteness. "It's not like that kitten. Don't you know that little kitten need big tiger like me to protect them hmm?" "I can protect you too hyun-"

Felix stopped talking when he met eyes with two person in front of him. Both were taller than him and had black hair. Hyunjin looked at them and found that it was two of his men Yeonjun and Wooyoung. "Hello boss." Yeonjun said drifting his gaze away from the cute boy. "Don't look at him." Hyunjin said before walking past them. "Did you saw them before?l Hyunjin asked Felix because he found it odd that Felix stop talking when he saw them. "No never,it's just that they were handsome and they stop in front of us." Felix answered cockily knowing how much of jealous Hyunjin could be.

"You silly thing I will seriously have to punish you someday. You become naughtier day by day." Hyunjin tried to play it off because he knew Felix did it on purpose. But the fact that he have to punish him wasn't a joke and the longer he thought about it,the longer he had to planned it. "Hyung you know that you can't punish me,you aren't capable of that." Felix teased further while Hyunjin put him down. In fact Felix did it in purpose,he wanted to continue what they did last time. He didn't know what he felt that day but he was slightly annoyed that Hyunjin stopped everything. Yes he felt weirdly too overwhelmed and like he slowly lose his self,it was comfortable and he wanted to just slip in but then Hyunjin stopped everything.

He had a slight idea about it but he wasn't sure. Hyunjin explained him quiet a things from time to time but that was just verbally he wanted to practice it now. Yes he indeed became naughtier day by day. "You talk to much of nonsense kitten,maybe I have to put your pretty little mouth in good use,hmm?" Hyunjin said brushing his finger on Felix lips and parted them slowly. He leaned over Felix slowly,smirking when he saw the younger's anticipation. "Hyung why are you so slow? Do you want me to kiss you?" Felix said a little bit frustrated and that made Hyunjin swell with pride. He was slowly making the younger his like he wanted it.

Felix didn't really wait for an answer and just collided his lips with Hyunjin's and they began to kiss. It was slow at first,putting them in the mood and little by little it began to be heated. Even if Felix was in his tip toes,Hyunjin had to bend down to properly kiss him and it was about tiring fro both of them. Hyunjin lifted Felix and settled him on his desk and it was a little better because Felix was on the same height as him. Hyunjin's hands started to roamed on the younger shirt and played with the piercing on his navel. Felix moaned,he liked it when the older touched him.

Hyunjin let the younger's lips to go to his neck and gave some light kiss just to test the water. He knew how much the hickey the shit gave him last time worked him up so he didn't want Felix to feel uncomfortable. When he heard a moan,he processed to suck on his neck just to be abruptly stopped when the door opened and threw makes made their way in. They were a little embarrassed and nervous,Hyunjin glared at them. And Felix rolled his eyes in annoyance,fortunately his back faced them. It was like everything cockblocked them.

"It better be very important,if not I will kill Minho Hyung for interrupting my day with Felix." He said and Minho just rolled his eyes not at all intimidated by Hyunjin. Felix jump off of the desk and gave them a wave,yes he was such an hypocrite too but just because of their sudden appearance here. "Hello." He said and looked away at the door which was open,he was upset,he wanted to make out with Hyunjin more.

But quickly his attention diverted by something else and he totally forgot what made him upset. He looked at Hyunjin and his three friends who were in a serious discussion and looked outside the door where he found his new distraction. And without them noticing,Felix wasn't in the office anymore.

The next chapters few chapters will be very light (maybe the last ones) so enjoy!!
Tomorrow it's Jisungie birthday 🎉

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