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Jisung entered the elder room and walked toward the bed to see Felix laying on the bed,surrounded by fluffy pillows and sheets. He was peacefully sleeping and the way to big for him shirt he was wearing just made him look more beautiful. Jisung could see all the marks which weren't covered by the shirt on his best friend body and that made him blush a little. He was used to see one or two in the younger's neck since he lived with Hyunjin but he never saw that much. He really was more beautiful like that,Jisung couldn't help but smile even though he didn't like Hyunjin,he couldn't do much about it,just be happy for his best friend.

He sat next to the younger and proceeded to woke him up gently but Felix didn't move even a bit. Jisung was a impatient person,he couldn't be gentle for so long so he shook violently Felix who lazily opened his eyes and looked at Jisung with a point on his plump lips. " are already here?" He said and shifted a little to lay his head on the elder's chest. "Yes I'm already here,it's been a long time since I saw you and I missed you a lot." He replied while stroking his hair. "I missed you too Jisung,but can I sleep a little more? I'm so tired." He said and made himself comfortable on Jisung so he could sleep. "Ok,take your time baby." Jisung smiled,he was the cutest.

It was 9 am when Felix finally woke up,Jisung kept stroking at his hair for the meantime. "Awake now? Why I are so tired early in the morning?" Jisung said noticing how Felix winced when he moved to the other side. Felix was blushing,it was so embarrassing. "H-hum we can say t-that we have a rough night." He stuttered while looking away. "I can see that yeah. He left marks all over your body." Jisung chuckled and Felix felt all shy because Jisung noticed them. How couldn't he? "So how it was? I hope he treat to nicely and he took care of you."

"It was...It was an amazing feeling! I felt so loved. Yet at first it was really uncomfortable and I felt like I will just die because my ass hurted and burned like hell but after it was amazing. You should try with Minho hyung" Felix said and Jisung blushed,slapping playfully Felix on his arm. "Don't say that,you know I'm still working at the club. Anyway,when I came this morning Hyunjin was deep in his thought,what happened?" Felix looked at Jisung and sighed. "He said that my medicine doesn't work and that I was too skinny,he was surely thinking about another doctor."

Jisung stroked Felix arm softly to comfort him. "You see,he is so worried about your health Lixie. When was the last time you eat something?" Felix was going to answer but Jisung cut him off. "The last time you actually eat food and you didn't threw it up?" He asked more sternly. "I-...I don't know." He confessed and looked everywhere but Jisung,he couldn't bear the disappointment in his best friend eyes. "Why baby do you keep doing it?" He asked softly,he couldn't stress the younger. "B-because Hyunjin won't love me if I'm fat hyung..." he said,tears already shining in his eyes. "No it's not true,look how he was worried for you Felix. He want you to be healthy and avoiding eating won't make you healthy. Do you want him to be worried?"

Jisung knew that encouraging Felix like that wasn't good,he shouldn't do it for someone else other than him but he knew that in Felix's state fo mind,everything was around Hyunjin and the best way to make Felix eat was implying the older in it to motivate him more. "No...I don't want him to be worried." Felix said lowly. "Then what should you do?" Jisung asked,waiting for the younger's answer. "I...I should eat." Felix said not really confident but it was already a lot of effort. "Right,so are you willing to take breakfast with me?" Jisung asked and Felix nodded.

"I want to eat pancakes,but only if it's you who make it Jisungie hyung." Felix said smiling,it was true that he really liked Jisung's pancakes and he missed it too,it's been a long time since he tasted them. "Alright baby,I will make you those pancakes and I fresh glass of orange juice and milk. Come here." Jisung stood up but Felix stayed still on the bed. He looked shyly at Jisung and gave him a pitiful smile. "Can you lift me up? I can't walk." Jisung sighed and lifted Felix on his back. "Next time after make you unable to walk,tell your man to stay at home. I'm not payed enough for this." Jisung said and Felix giggled. "Don't say such a thing Hyung."

They reached the kitchen and Jisung pushed Felix blue stool near the counter so the younger could see him doing the pancakes. Felix stood up on it and Jisung began preparing the pancakes that Felix loved so much. In between he did some juice for Felix and when everything was put on the table,they began to eat. Felix in the beginning didn't eat much but the more he was used too,he began to eat eagerly. It just now that he noticed how he was hungry and that Jisung pancakes was the best. "It's good baby?" Felix nodded but didn't speak,he was so concentrated into eating. Jisung smiled at that,maybe Felix would eat normally now.

Jisung sighed but his happiness didn't last long when Felix rushed upstairs. Jisung ran after him and to the bathroom to see him throwing up everything he just ate minutes ago. Jisung wanted to cry and Felix cried too. He did so good but then he felt his stomach turning upside down and everything just reminded to his mouth again. It wasn't what he wanted,he wanted to eat and be healthy but his body was already used to he empty and couldn't take foods anymore. "It's o-ok Lixie,you did so good. You'll be alright." Jisung helped him to watch his mouth and face while Felix was crying. "I-I really tried Jisung...but I can't." Felix cried,he will disappoint Hyunjin again. "Don't say that,you will do it someday you just have to adapt your body again."

Hyunjin was in his office with Minho. Since his last mission failed,he had another goal in the mean time,searching for the anonymous person. He didn't know how to feel about them,he didn't know if he trusted them or not but he wanted at least to now who it was. But even Minho could find any information about that person,they worked for hour and it was already past 6. "We should go home Hyung,we will continue it tomorrow." Hyunjin said standing up. Minho nodded and stretched his body. "Yeah,I could spent more time with my squirrel then. He was still at yours and he asked me to take him." Minho said and Hyunjin nodded.

Don't try to look for me prince,I will be the one showing to you. I will show up to you the day after tomorrow at 3,wait for me prince,it's time for us to see each other face to face.

That's what Hyunjin saw in the driver sit of his car. So he could finally met the anonymous person behind those letters and those rescuing. He was impatient...

Few more chapters and the story will take a weird turn!! A lot still have to happen when and the twist will be one of them.

Anyway,I have to go to school now! Bye

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