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Felix was laying on his bed with Jisung. The squirrel like man was texting Minho and since he didn't know what to say,he asked some advice from his bestfriend. Felix complained because he was clueless about flirting too. "Did you forget that we are both inexperienced?" He asked rolling his eyes. "But but you spend all your day on your phone with Hyunjin, I thought that you could give me some tips." "I'm not experienced enough to advise you Jisungie."

Jisung whined,he left Minho on read since 30 minutes now and he was afraid that the older will thought that he didn't want to talk to him. Felix was useless,if only he knew that earlier. He thought for ten minutes more and decided to just go with the flow,Minho will surely love that. At least he hoped.

Hello Jisungie!
How are you?
Do you miss me?
Do you wait for me?
Don't be shy and tell hyung.

Yes,Minho didn't hesitate to bombarde him with embarrassing questions. He wanted to answer him with the same boldness,but he didn't know if he will beat him.

Squirrel 🐿️
I think you are the one who miss me
Don't be shy Hyung I won't laugh at you😉

I'm not shy, I miss you.
But you didn't answer me though squirrel.
So do you miss me?

Squirrel 🐿️
You wish huh!
Yea I kinda miss you but I bet
you're the one who miss me more.

They continued to text each other. After some times Jisung looked at Felix and the younger was lost in his thought,he didn't question much. Felix could be very quiet and he knew why. "Jisung,I didn't told you but few days ago something happened." He began when Felix caught him staring at him. "What? Why are you blushing?" Jinsung was already curious,they didn't keep something from each other and he was already surprised that Felix didn't told him it right away.

"Hyunjin bought me something a few days earlier. He told me that it was a gift to ask for my forgiveness and then we talked a little and maybe we did..." he trailed his sentence,playing dumb in front of Jisung's curiosity. "What did you do! Don't play with me Felix you arouse my curiosity!" He whined,not liking Felix behaviors. "We maybe had... sexphone." He whispered,afraid that someone could heard them,even through they were all alone in Felix's room. There was an awkward silence for several seconds before Jisung gasped loudly.

"You what! Oh my god Felix,you had a fucking sexphone with...with him?" He was more than shocked,his little boy innocent baby wasn't that innocent anymore! "Yes with him,I thought I will pee on myself and that's exactly what happened. Thought it was more thicker." Maybe he was still innocent thought . How could he know about all this sexual activity when he was occupied about other thing all of his life? Jisung sometimes was very sad about it,they both were indeed virgins but Jisung had at least the base.

Felix knew nothing about it,he didn't even had his first kiss. Maybe if he gave up on time,our life would have been more different. Those simples thought,made Jisung let out some tears and he hugged the clueless boy. "Baby Felix, I love you so much." He said,Felix loving any skinship hugged him back without questioning. Why should he when he received free hug? "I love you too Sungie Hyung."

After some minutes,they parted and Felix continued with his story and how he felt during that time. Jisung listened to him carefully,nagging him sometimes and laughing at his obliviousness. "Maybe he is really into you Lixie,I don't know him personally so I couldn't assume things. Just be careful,I don't want you to be sad and hurt a-" "I won't and besides he didn't force me onto anything". Jisung hummed. "Show me your gift now,I want to see".

Immediately they crouch on the ground while Felix showed him the outfit and some of the pictures he took. They spend a lot of time there,they eventually ended up cross dressing and complimented each other for hours. Jisung after some times decided to take a nap on his room. "I will wake you up when we have to get ready ok?" Felix said while opening the door and at the same time, a staff was in front of him. "Yes? What can I do for you?" He asked. "Boss is asking for you,he is in his office."

Felix eyes lighted up immediately and rush over Jeongin's office,but he stopped when he heard some hurtful word from his fellow dancer. "Look at him,he is the most privileged." "He's just a slut who tries to have boss for himself." "He is not even that good dancer, I'm sure Boss payed all this men to act like that." They thought that Felix couldn't hear them,but he heard it all. He wanted to cry,he could take hurtful stuff,he was too sensitive for that.

He wiped his tears and made his way toward the office,this time less excited than earlier. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He didn't want Jeongin seeing him like that,he will immediately asks him what's the problem and he will surely made a big deal of it,and Felix didn't want that. "Hello angel,what took you so long huh" He turned toward the blue haired boy and frowned. Felix stayed far from him and that's really weird. Felix never hesitated to sit on his lap and clinging onto him and more when they were all alone.

"What's the matter angel?" "N-nothing." He stood up and made his way toward him,he placed both of his hand on Felix cheeks and looked down at him. Felix eyes were red and slightly swollen and that worried Jeongin,directly wanted to beat up anyone or anything that made him cry. "Told me angel, I don't like it when you keep something from me" Felix cried,when he was sad and someone asked him why he was sad,he couldn't help but cried even more. "I-if I told you, y-you won't let it-it slide and I-I don't want it." He sobbed,he just wanted to bury himself in Jeongin arms,his safe place.

"I promise I won't do anything ok? Just tell me" Jeongin obviously lied,he won't let it slide whatever it was. "I heard them say that I- I just wanted you for myself,that I was a white and that I was not even a good dancer." That may seem silly,but his poor heart can't even handle seeing a dead fly. Jeongin was angry,anyone who said that,will just end up six feet underground. "And you believe them? Look at me angel. They are just jealous of you because you are beautiful and an incredible dancer." Felix shake his head,not convinced about Jeongin's words.

"No I-" "Yes you are,look at you,can't you see the beauty you are?" He turned Felix to the mirror in front of them. "Look at you Felix,all cute and stunning. No one could beat your beauty angel so don't mind their words,they just can't stand being so far from you ok?" Felix nodded while looking fiercely into his own eyes. I'm beautiful,they just can't stand it. He smiled at Jeongin,never he could love without him,his safe place. "Now,come here,we have to talk". Felix sat on his lap and bury himself in Jeongin,waiting for the older to talk.

Hello everyone! This is another chapter, it's supposed to be longer but I slipped it to two chapter,so the next one is short. But anyway did you like it? What do you think about it so far? Do you think you could possibly guess the plot? And did I just see that I have 200+ view on my ffs? OMG thank you ❤️

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