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Hyunjin woke up every morning with the same pain and aching in his heart. Even if he took the anti depression medication that Mrs Kim gave him,nothing changed,he still longed for Felix,he still wanted him as close to him as possible. He didn't know how he manage to stay here instead of just taking what was his. But everytime he saw Wonyoung walking around the house,he remembers why he did that and why he had to to do that,it was all for Felix. He wouldn't have care if it was for his sake,he wouldn't have care if it was for anyone but just Felix.

He was ready to woke up with a aching body and mind everyday if it means having Felix by his side forever without anyone to tell him otherwise. He knew the only person he needed was Felix,he didn't even need his friends Felix could be his friend,his everything. Everytime he was eating,he missed the little weight on his lap everytime Felix sat there,he missed seeing him running around,he missed the long hug he received from him when he was off work and he missed more much the kisses and the cuddles he did with his kitten.

Mrs Kim visited him daily too,she listened to anything Hyunjin said,the way he felt and all since the beginning of their treatment. It was funny,he didn't knew that being in love was a illness,nowadays world really was something,everything was just considered as an illness if it was unfamiliar to them. Could someone just love someone dearly,willing to give everything and loose everything for them? Was it weird to want them near you everytime? For Hyunjin it was completely normal,he was obsessed and possessive because he loved Felix.

Everything was so empty in this house since he wasn't here,there weren't any loud laugher anymore,there weren't delicious smell of brownie freshly backed for Hyunjin anymore. The maids felt sad as well,they were used to talk with Felix,joking a little with him and cooking for him or with him. They still keep cleaning his stools everyday secretly wishing to see him. They didn't understand why suddenly he left,they didn't think it was Hyunjin's will since he seemed as sad as them only Wonyoung and the parents were happy about not having the little sunshine here anymore. Even kkami stop barking,maybe him barking and being bitchy at Felix was his way to show him his affection.

"And they said they will be there in some time,for discussing about the engagement ceremony." Hyunjin nodded at Wonyoung who was sitting next to him in the living room. "I'm so excited Oppa,we will finally be fiancé and soon married! Aren't you excited too?" She asked looking at him with a smile. Hyunjin smile back at her nodding his head. "Of course I'm excited." She seemed contented with that and she hugged him. After that he ran upstairs,wanting to look more beautiful for her futur in laws. Hyunjin sighed,letting his head fell on the couch board,he was drained from all energy,Felix is the only thing who kept him sane.

It was been few weeks,he was tired of hearing his parents praising him for taking the best decision wish was kicking Felix out. Today is his engagement party,they chose to do it just with their family which mean him,Wonyoung and their parents. Yeji is busy with school so she couldn't come,he didn't care,it was best this way. Their parents wanted to do a big party with a lot of people and journalists but it was the last thing he wanted,he succeeded to force them into this closed party. He was scared if there were camera or a lot more people,Felix will know and he will won't be able to take him back.

"Congratulations son,it's the best decision you've ever made. Our company will grow and you will have a beautiful woman by your side,a wife who could bring children." His dad said patting his back proudly making everyone in the room happy and content. "Thank you father,fortunately you were there to make me realize." Hyunjin smiled at his dad. His mom was so proud of him,her only son was getting married to a beautiful woman like Wonyoung,it was her dream coming true. "Wonyoung, welcome to the family." She smiled and nodded her head. "Thank you Mrs Hwang." "Oh please,call me mom."

The night went on,Hyunjin's and Wonyoung's parents were so tired that they decided to sleep in one of the guest bedrooms. Wonyoung was sitting next to Hyunjin on the couch,she was also so tired,she didn't really do things and it wasn't even midnight but her body just felt tired. She leaned on Hyunjin's shoulder,eyes half open,she fought to stay awake and spend more time with Hyunjin. "If you are tired,just sleep ok? We will talk tomorrow." Hyunjin said,she wanted to stand up but she was too tired for that. "Let me pick you up then." He proposed and he nodded her head a little she felt herself being loafers and after that nothing,she drift into sleep.

Hyunjin sighed,it was finally time,he will have his kitten back soon and he couldn't wait for that to happen. Felix will soon be in his arms again,he will soon pamper his with kiss all over his face and make love to him until they both drift to sleep. It was all he want and he was sure he will have it,whatever it will cost. "My kitten,we will be together again soon and I promise you I won't let you go ever again. I won't let anybody separate us ever again. Just wait a little bit baby,just wait for me." Hyunjin said will looking at Felix's pictures on his phone.

The next morning Minho was in is office,he was waiting for a important file,the one Hyunjin asked about Lee Dong Wook and Lee Ji Eun. He was still very concerned about what Hyunjin planned,he really hoped the psychologist made him change his mind. He didn't really had a way to know,because the younger refused to talk to him if it wasn't for work. He was surely mad at him,he surely think he was the one separating him from Felix. Hyunjin way to love was at the same time scary and beautiful,the way he would do anything for Felix was beautiful,but what he was willing to do was scary.

"Sir,this is all information we could collect about Lee Dong Wook and his wife." A man said giving him the file. "Thank you." He took the file from the man before opening it and reading it through fully. He couldn't believe what he saw,it was impossible. He didn't know it he should tell it to Hyunjin or not,the younger's world will just collapse if he knew but I'd he didn't he will do the worst mistake in his life. Hyunjin have to know,he have the right to know. With that thought Minho entered his car and dashed toward where Hyunjin was supposed to be.

Hello there!!!
Such a long time... I know but it was because I lost my phone...more like I thought I lost it,I just forget it in my sports bag... I was already ugly crying but I found it yesterday...

Anyway there will be a lot of updates maybe I will publish all chapters today or tomorrow or this week...

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