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Minho walked in the office without knocking. Hyunjin was working on some files but hearing the door,he immediately looked at Minho in front of him. "Oh Hyung, what are you doing here?" Hyunjin asked while Minho sat down on the leather chair. "I'm here for you,Felix and you specifically." He answered and earning a confused look firm the younger. "For me and Felix? What about us?" He asked. "I know it isn't really my business but your relationship with Felix really bad." He said just to heard a scoff from the younger. "Bad? Why do you think that our relationship is bad?" Hyunjin asked already a little upset cause when it concerns Felix he always react like that.

Minho was worried and he felt guilty for not paying attention to them before. He wanted to do things right now and that's why he took the decision of calling Mrs Kim. He do a lot of research about how was their behaviors and searched if there was similar cases with some other person and with all his research one thing was sure, their relationship was toxic and harmful. He didn't regret doing it,he knew it was the best for them. " said...what you said last time wasn't normal and that's just prove how toxic your obsession toward Felix is!" Hyunjin stood up,he was angry now and he really didn't liked how Minho dared to tell his that his love for Felix was an obsession.

"This is none of your business? And I'm not fucking obsessed,I love him that's all!" Hyunjin said with venom on his voice. "Hyunjin...chill out. Did you think about what you said to me last time? Did you really think that it was normal to do that for someone?!" Minh asked too,right he didn't have any right to do that but he knew that Hyunjin won't do it and nor Felix because for them,their relationship was normal. "I already told you that I'll do anything for him,you shouldn't have called her,you shouldn't have... you shouldn't have stick your nose in someone else relationship!"

"I know but Hyunjin Felix isn't ok mentally and you aren't too. Maybe you aren't aware of it now but after Mrs Kim will talk to you both,you'll be aware of it. And it's not forcedly a bad thing,that could intensify your relationship or...or make you realize something-" " That's the problem Hyung...I don't want him to realize that I'm a fucking coward." Hyunjin whispered sitting on his chair. "I did a lot of thing to him and now he didn't remember any of it. He chose to remember any of it and I'm scared that after the psychologist talk to him,he will remember all and realize how much he deserved better than me and h-how much I'm a bad person. I'm sure that whatever will occur I won't stop loving him and I'll do anything just to be with him but I'm not sure if when he realizes that,he will still stay with me like that. I can't live without him Hyung,I can't live without him."

Hyunjin was crying quietly,thinking about Felix leaving him broke his heart. He couldn't take it if his kitten chose to let him all by himself. He couldn't take the down fall to hell after being with an angel in paradise. Minho looked at him sadly and went consoling him,he looked so vulnerable that Minho almost chose his side. But Minho was mature enough,he knew what he did was the best and that could help both of them for harming other and themselves as well. "Don't worry Hyunjin,if Felix chose to forget about what you did to him willingly,he won't leave you. If you two really love each other,that won't break you,that'll just made you more stronger for the future obstacles." Minho reassured him.

He was right, but that didn't really calmed Hyunjin,he was scared,so scared of losing Felix. He will surely kill himself if that happens because he was sure he couldn't live a life without being with his kitten everytime,he couldn't survive knowing that Felix wasn't his anymore. Felix was his everything,and that was the main reason of their problem. He was overwhelmed by his own feeling and that made him do something he shouldn't. "Let her talk to you,she is taking to Felix right now. She will find a solution for whatever problem you two have and if you guys broke up then it was fate." "I won't broke up with him. I will tie him up if it's necessary."

Minho looked at him with a disapproving glare. "That's exactly what I'm talking about Hyunjin. You can't tie him and force him to stay with you,it's not sane." Minho scolded him but Hyunjin couldn't care less,he won't really let Felix go whatever may occur and even if Minho found it insane,even if that psychologist will found it insane. But he will talk to her,he will tell her whatever she wants, he will also do whatever she wants to strengthened their relationship but he will do nothing if it's occur letting Felix go away from him. He will do anything that occur seeing the love of his life leaving and letting him all alone.

He was still deep in his thought when Mrs Kim entered the office. She just finished talking with Felix and now she was here for Hyunjin. Minho went out and let them too in the room. Mrs Kim could sense that Hyunjin wasn't really glad about her presence but she was sired to that kind of stubborn person and she knew how to deal with them. "Hello mr Hwang. I'm Kim Jennie a psychologist,we already talk to each other." Hyunjin nodded his head at her not wanting to introduce himself to her since she already it. "I just finish talking to Felix,a really kind person and pure soul. We stalked about a lot of thing but before going into those details, we have to talk first." "Ask whatever you want to ask." Hyunjin said. "But I won't accept anything that could make Felix go away from me."

"Don't worry mr Hwang,all I'll do is to help you both the rest is on you two."

Next chapters will be...I don't know how to say it. The story his near to his end!!! Xoxo (gossip girl)❤️❤️ good night!!

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