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Felix first weeks there was good in general. Jisung will come when Hyunjin went off and he will go to the club when Hyunjin come home. Hyunjin was so sweet with him,making sure Felix was always good,cuddling with him and talking with him. Since all the furniture where to high for Felix,Hyunjin chose to buy him a set of stools and put them in every room so Felix didn't have to drag one in every room. The stools where blue just like Felix's hair and he dragged them everywhere. It was kinda funny,seeing him standing on a stool everywhere.

Felix began to sleep on his own room last week,the first day he woke up seeing Hyunjin comforting him. He was always up because of the tone of work he had and he heard Felix scream everytime. After some day,Felix tried hard to not scream in his nightmares. He didn't wanted to worrying Hyunjin. He managed to woke up by himself and he struggled to fall asleep again. Sometimes he woke up late because of the lack on sleep he got and couldn't see Hyunjin in the morning. He sulked all day,complaining about it. He could text Hyunjin but he didn't want to annoy him.

Jisung stopped coming everyday too,he came only on the weekends and Felix felt very lonely. He had no one to talk to and he had nothing to do. He could talk with the maids but they began to call him master,assuming that he was in a relationship with Hyunjin. It was very normal since Felix always sat in his lap anywhere,in the living room,the dining room and even in Hyunjin office in the house while he worked at home. Hyunjin didn't really like it when someone was with him when he was working but he trusted Felix and the boy don't seem to be interested in whatever Hyunjin did. Most of the time,he will lay on his chest and fall asleep juste like that.

But he was excited today. Jisung had a day off and they will go shopping with Jeongin. He wanted to tell it to Hyunjin last night but he fell asleep before he came home. Now they were in the dining room,taking their breakfast. Hyunjin was a little bit off,he seemed very stressed. Felix could tell just by the way Hyunjin stroked his waist. "Hyung,are you okay?" Hyunjin looked at him and nodded. "Yes,it's just work." He brought the food to Felix mouth and he hesitantly take it,just so Hyunjin won't be worried. "Hum,today Jisung had a day off and we planned to go shopping with Jeongin. Can I go?"

It was not like he needed Hyunjin approval but he thought that he could told him at least so he won't be worried. And he was not used to go out a lot. Hyunjin frowned a little at the mention of Jeongin,he didn't want his kitten going with that man but he could denied him. Felix was so good everyday and never made him worried,he behaved well to. He needed some time out,he needed to walk off the house. "Of course you can Felix. You don't even have to ask me." He shifted a little and gave a black card to Felix. Felix eyed him curiously. "Take this card,you can buy whatever you want,don't mind the price."

"You don't have to Hyung,you know I earned some money while working at the club. I can buy clothes with my own money." He said. "No no,you will take it. I even thought about creating your own account if you didn't have already." "I have one Hyung but you don't have to give me money." Hyunjin smiled softly at him and gave him a soft peck on his cheek. "You deserve everything kitten. Just let me spoil you ok? Everything mine is also yours,this house his your house too,our home. You can have everything you want, I can give you everything." Felix blushed and looked away embarrassed. He said our home.

"I have to go now,I will call you later. Have fun and eat well,don't come home late. I will tell the driver to-" "No no hyung,Jeongin will come with his car it's ok. Take care and don't come home late too." He said and gave a quick peck on Hyunjin's cheek and ran towards his room all red. Hyunjin chuckled a little,his kitten was so shy. He went toward his car and sighed,he was so tired but seeing Felix was enough for him.

Felix was now in his bathroom,he was getting ready to go out. He looked at his reflection and smiled,all the marks were gone,there was nothing left in his beautiful freckled skin. The only marks left were the invisible marks inside of him the ones that couldn't never be erased. But it was ok,as long as everyone saw him smiles nothing matter. As long as he kept those scars hidden nothing mattered,no one had to be worried about him and Hyunjin wouldn't be worried too,so it was ok.

He combined his hair on a male ponytail and did his make up,he was extremely beautiful without or with it but he liked doing it. When he was ready,he went off the house and waited for them in front of the gate with two guards. Felix looked up at them and gave them a smile,they didn't even looked at him. Felix pouted and wanted to kick them but he knew better. They were 5 times more big than him and they could easily throw him away.

He saw them coming and he entered the car. He hugged Jisung and Jeongin telling him how much he missed the older. "Hello angel,are you ready?" "Yes,Hyunjin gave me his card and told me to buy anything I wanted. I told him that it was not necessary but he insisted so I have no other choice." Jeongin and Jisung laughed and told him to spend a lot and buy all the expensive stuff he wanted. Nothing he wouldn't do with his own money.

Hello!!! How are you all?
So Hyunjin will be in the remix of rush with Pink panther? Troye is a successful fan girl 😭😂😂
I finally finished to write all the chapter of this story! So now I just have to update. Tell me how you find Fool me so far!

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