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They were now on Hyunjin's big dining room,Felix was sitting on his lap because he didn't want to be away from Hyunjin and Hyunjin didn't complain too. They waited for the food to come,Felix was just admiring around him. "Your dining room his very pretty Hyung." He said,while the maid placed plates in front of them. There was a lot of food,and that smelled nice too,anyone would like to eat them. "Thank you kitten,I will let you visit it tomorrow when you'll be more reposed." Felix nodded,eyeing the chopsticks Hyunjin directed towards his mouth. Felix opened his mouth slowly so Hyunjin could made him taste. The food tasted good too.

They altered,Hyunjin not letting Felix use his muscle and after 5 or 6 bit,Felix refused to open his mouth and push slightly Hyunjin's hand. "What happen kitten? you don't like it? Is it not good? If not I will tell them to make you another." But Felix just shook his head,he didn't want to eat anymore. "No Hyung. I-I'm already full." Hyunjin frowned and slide an hand on his tummy and began to stroke it a little. "How come? I don't feel the bump tho." Hyunjin couldn't feel the bump on his tummy but Felix denied everytime Hyunjin brought the chopsticks near his mouth. Hyunjin gave up but continued to eat,he was hungry and that was his favorite dishes.

After that,they made they way to the bathroom again. More specifically,Hyunjin lifted Felix towards the bathroom,assuming that Felix will break in two if ever he use his own feet. What a silly person. They were about to brush their teeth but Felix frowned when he was in front of the mirror. Since Hyunjin was tall,every furniture in his house were weirdly higher,or it is just Felix being too small. He couldn't really see his face in the mirror and he didn't like it being too short compared to Hyunjin who mocked him.

He looked around the bathroom and saw a stool,he went there and pushed the stool toward the counter. Hyunjin watched him meticulously,afraid that Felix will hurt himself. Maybe he forgot that Felix was a 21 years old and he was also a man. But that was very difficult to believe if you saw his tiny frame moving around. When he finally settled the stool and climbed on it,he smiled contentedly and took his toothbrush. He was still far from being at Hyunjin height but that was it already.

Hyunjin chuckled,Felix just remind him of the kittens he saw on the social media,silly,tiny and cute. But again he remembered all the time he saw him dancing on the pole and the day when Felix danced on his lap,practically grinding in him. He was damnly sexy,ethereal and he wondered how could he had that duality. "Slow down Felix,you will bleed if you keep brushing your teeth that wild." Felix snapped,he was on his mind almost falling in his trance again but Hyunjin prevented that at time. He slowed down,didn't wanting Hyunjin to being worried about him and being a crybaby.

They were now in Hyunjin's bed,Felix was looking around,Hyunjin seemed busy with some work and Felix didn't want to close his eyes. He was afraid that at the exact moment he will let his guard down,the man will come again. But he was so tired,all those tears and those screams tired him off. His cheeks was still stinging because of all the slaps he received,his back too was sore because of the brutal pinning. He just wanted to sleep,relax his body and mind. He dozed off a lot of time but forced himself to stay awake,he couldn't risk seeing that man again.

"You know you can sleep kitten,don't stay awake for me." Hyunjin said after the nth time Felix dozed off. He shake his head and told him that he was not sleepy,a lie of course. Hyunjin sighed,knowing what kept him awake. He put his laptop on the nightstand and took Felix on his arms and began to stroke his head. "I told you I'm not tired." Felix tried to go away,he didn't want to fall asleep and he knew that if Hyunjin stroked him,he will eventually fall asleep. Hyunjin just chuckled,he was like those baby who refused to sleep,squirming and arguing. "I'm not trying to,I just like your hair that's why."

"I let you just b-because you liked that,I'm not sleepy and I w-won't sleep." He yawned a lot of time,convincing his Hyung that he was not sleepy but eventually he fell asleep on his chest. Just like a baby huh kitten. Hyunjin didn't want him to wake up because he knew if Felix wake up,he won't let him stroke his head again si he stayed still and eventually them two fell asleep ok each other warm.

Felix opened his eyes slowly in the middle of the night,he was all alone. He began to panic,he promised him to not leave him alone. And then he heard steps,he recognized those step,he hated those steps and without a blink of eyes,he felt a breath on his neck. "Hey pretty boy,finally alone." He shivered,weirdly he couldn't move,weirdly even if he scream no sound was heard. He cried Hyunjin's name while the man kept leaving disgusting marks in his naked body. He cried,he screamed but Hyunjin didn't come,he was all alone.

"Stop crying his name baby,he didn't want you anymore. Who would want some slut like you huh? Full of hickey and bruise of course he will left you." He shook his head,Hyunjin promised him. But where he was now? He sobbed,trying to push the man but he couldn't move,why? He cried because that was the only thing he could do now and no one wanted him anyway,no one will save him. But then he remembered,Jeongin. Jeongin will always want him,he was always with Felix and he will ever be with him. So he screamed his name out loud,and then little by little the man began to disappear and he heard a faint voice calling his name.

"Felix,Felix! Wake up,wake up kitten" He opened his eyes and he saw a worried Hyunjin,trying to wake up him. That was just a nightmare. "Kitten,it's okay,I'm here with you." He stroked Felix and whispered sweet nothing to him until he calmed down. Hyunjin was worried,Felix cried while sleeping and moved around and then he screamed a weird name,he never heard that before. It was not his,not Jisung or neither Jeongin. "I thought you left me Hyunjin,I called you but you never come." "I'm here kitten and I will always be with you for now on,don't worry anymore."

He fell asleep because Hyunjin was warm and he liked skinship,he would always fall asleep if someone stroked him. Hyunjin on the other hand couldn't fall asleep,he was worried about Felix,he didn't want him to cry again. And he es still curious about that name,it was not even a real name. He couldn't hear it but he was sure it wasn't a name maybe a nickname...

I updated because I think I won't be able to do it later. It's currently 5:56am here and I barely had any sleep but it's ok 😂

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