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Hello y'all!!!!!!!
I jus wake up and saw that Fool me reached 10K views like... how is it even possible!!!
I don't usually keep track on it since I'm very busy and school so I didn't saw the growth this book accumulated!

It's so important that I decide to do my thanking here so you all can see! I'm so happy, thank you very much!! Thank you for all the comments,the vote and the interest you put on it,thank you very much!!!!

I never hoped for more, I was pretty content with my little reader who enjoyed it since the beginning. But now, I'm over the cloud,it's so cool seeing more and more readers!! Thank you all 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳❤️

Don't hesitate to read my new ff!! (Yes, I promote my new story here shamelessly😂😂😂)

Fool me/HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now