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Saying that Hyunjin was confused wasn't enough,he didn't know what to think anymore. One minute Felix was Lee's son and now he was the son of a powerful mafia and businessman. But he didn't have time to think about it,a furious Jeongin approached him,he could feel all his anger in the room and he really hoped to be anywhere away from him. "Are you happy? Are you happy now Hwang Hyunjin?! Making my son cry for years is that satisfying? Is this what you want,seeing him all broken?" Tears of rage streamed down on his face,he never had the chance to spat his venom on Hyunjin. "I-I didn't know things about it! It's not my fault." Hyunjin defended himself.

Jeongin chuckled,he was so angry that he couldn't think straight anymore. He wanted to kill and bury Hyunjin so much but Felix will never forgive him if he did and Jeongin couldn't live without his son by his side. "Not your fault? You dare to say that it wasn't your fucking fault!" Jeongin was ready to kill him but Chan came at time,stopping him from killing the man tied up on the bed. "Honey,calm down. We can't resolve thing being angry at him,all we could do now is explaining to him." BangChan was a wise man,he didn't loose control like Jeongin who just wanted to kill Hyunjin. Maybe that's because BangChan was the dad and Jeongin the mom? Hyunjin could relate,his mom was also the one being angry at everything and his dad was always the one calming her.

"Hum...I don't know if you know me but I'm Christopher BangChan,Felix dad and there is Yang Jeongin,he's also Felix's dad but Felix call prefer calling him his mother and if you didn't found out already,no one can go against Felix's will." BangChan started awkwardly,he didn't really know where to began his story because a lot happened and Hyunjin had to know it to maybe ease his mind and make him forgive Felix. Even if between the two,no one really know who should earn forgiveness. "It's kinda a long story. I was going to tell you to sit down but you can't." BangChan laughed but it went down when he noticed he was the one laughing. "Hmm...ok. I don't know what Felix said to you but I'm sure he didn't tell you everything, at least he didn't tell you how bad it was before you finally met him again."


"Chan,I'm so happy! Thank you so much,thank you!" Jeongin said when they finally went out of the town hall. They just said I do to each other few minutes ago,there wasn't any family or any friend because no one supported them when they came out. That's why Chan waited until his dad's death to marry Jeongin. His dad was a businessman and a mafia boss and since he was his only son he inherited of all of this and now they won't have any problems anymore. No one could go against his will since he was the boss now and no one could hurt his husband. "I'm happy to honey,you are finally mine and no one can change that." He kissed Jeongin lovingly.

They soon reached their home but when they were about to open the door,they noticed a basket. The basket was filled with fluffy blankets and there was a paper fixed on it. Jeongin crouched down,wanting to know what was on the basket. "Don't touch it,it could be anything dangerous." Chan warned but Jeongin didn't listen to him,his mind completely went off and he didn't know why he wanted to know what was into fall the fluffy blanket. When we took of one of them,his heart stopped beating,something changed inside of him when he saw a chubby baby with a golden hair. He immediately took him out of the basket,holding him carefully afraid they the wind will take it away from him.

"C-Chan...Chan look at him,he is so cute." Jeongin said in awe,letting Chan looking at the angel in his arms. Chan was speechless,he felt something change in him as well,he took the baby carefully from Jeongin and patting his chubby cheeks still in awe. "It's a baby Jeongin...what a baby is doing on a basket in the dark and in the cold?" "Is he sick? OMG,we should take it to the hospital Chan. I don't want my angel to be sick." Those words unconsciously went out of Jeongin's mouth and he was as shocked as Chan. But it seemed so normal for him to call him his angel,because he felt it inside of him. "You are right,we should take it to the hospital. Take the paper and read it,maybe we could know more about him."Jeongin executed and took the paper.

Korean,Lee Felix

There wasn't nothing much on the paper. "He is Korean just like us and his name his Lee Felix." Jeongin said. "What should we do Chan? We can't just let him here alone,he is so fragile,he could be sick or worse he could be taken by mean people." Jeongin said,worried about the little baby in his husband's arms. "I think we should keep it,what do you think?" Chan asked and saying that Jeongin was happy was an understatement. "Really? We can keep it?" Chan nodded and Jeongin immediately kiss him. "Welcome my angel,welcome to your new family. We will take good care of you,you will be spoiled."

They adopted him,they gave him a Korean name so he could rely on his origin. They were so happy together. Felix was a very calm baby but he didn't sleep at night if he wasn't pampered by Chan and kissed by Jeongin until he was 10. He didn't have a lot of friends,his only friends was the son's neighbors,they had the same age and they were always stick together. His name was Jisung and they welcomed him as their own son.

"Dad?" Both of them turned making Felix frown little. He was 5 years old and he began his to school few months ago. "I didn't call you,I was calling daddy." He said to Jeongin making the younger frown a little. "But baby,I'm your dad too." "No you aren't my dad,you are my mom." He explained making them more confused. "My friends said that their mom take them from school everyday,their mom cooked their favorite dishes every night and they said their mom screamed everytime. You scream everytime when I don't range my toys and you scream at dad everytime he let his shoes everywhere. That's mean you are my mom,right?"

Jeongin didn't know what to say,he was scared at first that Felix didn't wanted him but now he felt relieved. "H-huh of course baby,I'm your mom." He smiled,he couldn't say no to his angel and that didn't bothered him a bit. "Dad come here I have something to show to you." Chan stood up and walked with Felix to his room. "It's a surprise for mommy,don't tell him ok?"

Few years later,he said that he wanted to go to Korean for his high school years with Jisung, even if they weren't really ok with it,they sent them because they couldn't say no to their baby,no one could say no to Felix. But they were worried when one night,Jisung and him came back to Australia without warning. Felix was crying for days,he refused to eat and everytime someone made him eat he will just throw everything up. After some weeks he stopped crying but he didn't eat,Jeongin and Chan was worried sick. Jisung told them that Felix confessed to a boy and that boy rejected him.

"Mom,dad,help me please. I can't live without him,help me having him please." And that was when everything was settled.


Do you think they will make up? Or will they split up?

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