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Felix shivered,he was alone in a cold room without even a blanket to warm him up. He was crying already and he hated himself for crying over everything. That's why Hyunjin took Wonyoung,because all he did was crying everyday,every times. He was surely sick of it now and wanted a beautiful woman,strong and didn't cry over everything. He was still deep down in his sorrow when he heard footsteps arriving towards him and those footsteps were oddly familiar. He didn't dared to look up at the person,like if he knew without really knowing who it was.

The more they came near him,the more his tears flew,he was so scared and so alone. "Hello baby boy,did you miss me?" He shook his head violently,he remembered this voice but at the same time he didn't knew where he heard it. "You're not use to it yet?" They asked with a chuckle. "I already told you,I'll be the only one staying with you especially when you are at your lowest state of mind. I'll be there in your nightmare and you could never get ride if me." That was said in a scary time which just made the younger boy crying even more.

"L-let me go...I don't k-now you." Felix sobbed out still not dating facing the person in front of him. "L-let ne go...please."he plaided but it was no use. "You don't know me? Or you consciously take me out of your memory?" Felix just shook his head,he didn't want to hear that scary tone anymore. "Poor little thing...blocking your own memory to forget about what your boyfriend did to you? Remember that even if you block me,I'll haunt you." He said that grabbing Felix chins and making him lookin at him and Felix screamed.His eyes opened brutally,it was just a nightmare.

He quickly the worried Hyunjin next to him and like every night since Wonyoung was there,he just chose to forget about the nightmare. "You ok kitten?" Hyunjin asked. It was a daily basis now,every night Hyunjin sleep with him and every night he will have this nightmare that he forgot everytime he saw Hyunjin when he woke up. "Y-yeah...I'm ok Hyung." Felix reassured him with a sweet smile but that didn't reassure Hyunjin. "It's the fourth time kitten,you are not ok." One our two time is normal but four time? It was too much for Hyunjin and if before he wasn't sure with calling the psychologist the doctor recommended him,he will do it with Felix's consent or not. But was he ready to maybe loose him?  No he wasn't. He won't do it then.

"And do you still not remember what you were dreaming of?" The black haired man asked just to earn a negative answer. "I'm sorry Hyung for worrying you,but I don't remember." Felix said softly. Felix didn't really want to know what he was dreaming about,he didn't even try to acknowledge it,because deep inside he knew that he was the only one inflicting it to himself. "It's ok,just go back to sleep,we will talk about it tomorrow." Hyunjin said and kissed his forehead lovingly,Felix kissed him in his cheeks back before laying right on top of him.

The next morning Felix was welcomed by a glaring Wonyoung and an nowhere to be seen Hyunjin. "Where's Hyunjin Hyung?" Felix asked sitting on Hyunjin's chair. "I don't know,he was sleeping with you last night not with me." Wonyoung grumbled and that just made Felix smile cause yes,Hyunjin sleep with him and not with her. "I was just asking in case you saw him earlier." Felix answered waiting for his breakfast. "Don't ask me because even if I knew I won't tell you thing." She spatted back. Felix didn't answer but he ate his breakfast.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and instant later,Minho enter the dining room with a beautiful woman next to him. She was very beautiful and she looked so warm,Felix wanted to be friend with her. "Good morning Wonyoung." Minho said politely before going to Felix and ruffling his hair. "Good morning little boy." "Hello Hyung,what are you doing here?" Felix asked and giving the woman a bright smile and she returned it. "I have something to talk to with Hyunjin and you. Oh and this is Mrs Kim,she will talk with you guys as well."

Felix was confused,she will talk to them too? Talking about what? Seeing how confused Felix his,Minho decided to explain himself further. "It's nothing really bad don't work your little head ok? Tell me where's Hyunjin now." "He went to his office upstairs." Wonyoung replied with a smile and Minho nodded. Felix eyed Wonyoung and glared at her meanly but the young woman didn't acknowledge him and continue eating. "Ok,I'll go there then but Felix Mrs Kim will talk to you." Minho said before going upstairs finding Hyunjin. Felix stood up and lead the woman to his room so they could talk privately about whatever she wanted to talk with him.

He was so confused,Minho didn't told him about what she was going to talk,he just said that it was nothing very bad and that made him more and more confused. He didn't really liked being confused early in the morning,but at the same time he didn't liked a lot of thing early in the morning. When they reached his room,he invited her to sit on the chair near his bed while he sat on it. Mrs Kim didn't talk for several seconds,noting something in her notebook before she looked at Felix with a gentle smile. "I know you are confused right now,but don't worry I'm just here to talk to and even help you if you let me. My name his Kim Jennie and you can call me whatever you want." She said still with her warm tone and that surely made Felix's mind ease.

"I-My name is Felix and you also can call me whatever you want." He said shyly because he wasn't used to talk with girl or woman. He was surrounded by male all his life and he didn't have any female in his close friend or entourage. "It's a beautiful name Felix,don't be shy ok? I need you to be comfortable with me so we can talk freely." Felix really wanted to be comfortable around her but he didn't even know what she here for or even what she wanted to talk with him. "I-I'll eventually but I don't know...I don't know why you are here." Felix said trying to not sound rude. Mrs Kim chuckled softly.

"Yeah,I understand and I'm sorry I should have told you why I'm here. One of my friend was your doctor and he already talk about you with me and I even talk with Mr Hwang. I was waiting for you to call me but few days ago Mr Lee called me and briefly told me about some of his worried about you and mr Hwang and he looked for my help. I'm a psychologist and I'll help you through your problem,some you already aware about and some you are unaware of." Felix pursed his lips,he wasn't really ready to talk to a psychologist yet but Minho already called her and when she said that it wasn't just about him but about Hyunjin too,he felt like he should do it. So he nodded softly at her and she smiled at him already proud of his cooperation.

"So, we should began with the problem you are aware of,your eating disorder. Could you tell me about how it began?"

Hello!! How are you all?
I feel a lot better and I went to school since yesterday I even had a physics test this morning 😭 I still don't know why I should know the reason behind shakes on the free surface of a liquid but anyway. There's another chapter after this made sure of read it!

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