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"And why didn't you tell me that!" Hyunjin yelled and the boy in front of him backed off,hitting a larger chest. He was so angry that he didn't care if he could hurt the boy in front of him,he needed to blame someone and Jisung was the perfect target along with Jeongin. "Hyunjin! Stop screami-" "No! You two didn't told me that Felix had a fucking eating disorder! You left me in the dark and he had to deal with it all alone even though I was there! Why didn't you told me! I deserved to know...he deserved to be helped earlier..." His voice went lower by the end and a guilt invaded the two other chest.

"H-he didn't want us to tell you...I know we shouldn't listen to him but he didn't wanted it and we couldn't force him." Jisung said but he knew that he did wrong. Hyunjin didn't cool of,he was so angry that he knew nothing about it and it was a fucking doctor who tell it to him. "I know you are angry with us but it's not our fault,he didn't want you to know so we didn't told you,it was not our right to do so." Jeongin spatted,upset by Hyunjin's behavior. "Since when did he had it?" He asked wanting to now more about Felix and his illness. The two of them looked at each other like if they were exchanging information only with their eyes.

"S-Since a long time." Jisung answered. "Then why you two look at me like it was my fucking fault!" But Jisung glare didn't really change,he kept looking at Hyunjin like that. "When should he go to the other doctor?" Jeongin asked,he shouldn't argue with Hyunjin now,Felix was more important. "We call her yesterday,Felix and her talked for a bit and she told me that Felix wasn't ready to open up about it." He began to explain and that made Jeongin frown. "What she means with Felix wasn't ready?" "She said that she couldn't help him completely if he wasn't the one who wanted it. Because his ED could have been caused by a traumatic experience and even if she could make him eat he would just do it again."

Felix was the only one who could change all of this,if he wasn't ready no one can help him,so they have to wait. "I-I understand...can I go see him?" It was the first time Jeongin said that,most of the time he will just push Hyunjin out of his way and went to Felix. "Yes,you can." Jeongin opened the door,Felix was sitting in his carpet,probably watching a recipe video. He closed the door after him and call out his name. "Hey angel." Felix looked at him and when they locked eyes,the boy eyes filled with tears and Jeongin looked at him sympathetically.

Felix hug him so tight,he missed Jeongin,he missed his safe place like never. "I missed you." He whispered on the crock of his neck while the elder stroked his hair gently,he missed his angel too. "Me more angel,I wanted to hug you for so long." Felix kept sniffing for some time before they sat together on the carpet,still in his arms. "What you're doing?" He asked and Felix show him his phone. "I watched a recipe video,I wanted to bake those cupcakes for Jisung and you,he told me he wanted to eat them." He explained and Jeongin smiled. "What about we make it then?" Felix's eyes lighted up,that's all he wanted. "You will stay!?" He seemed to excited,Jeongin couldn't denied him. "Of course,as long as you want."

They stood up and Felix walked excitedly towards the kitchen. When he saw Jisung in the living room,he hugged him too and dragged him to the kitchen as well. Hyunjin sighed,Felix wasn't sad today so he decided to let him with them two and go finish his work in his room. They were already in the kitchen and the maid gave them everything they needed for their bakery time. One of them pushed the stool towards Felix and he stood on it,thanking them. "So chef Lixie,what are we making today?" Jisung asked and Felix giggled. "Cupcakes!" He answered and the same excitement was reflected in Jisung eyes.

They began to mix everything,joking around,dirtying everywhere and finally they put the mixture in the oven. "It's now time to clean the kitchen." Jeongin said and the two whined. "Can't we do that after...?" Jisung lazily said and Felix nodded,he was lazy too. "No we can't,hurry up now." "But m-" "Are you guys doing well?" Felix turned to the door and saw Hyunjin smiling at him with a packet on his hands. He approached curious and peeked at the bag on Hyunjin's hand. "What's inside Hyung?" He asked and Hyunjin chuckled ruffling his hairs. "Some glitter and things to decorate your cupcakes,I assume we didn't have that at home." Felix nodded happily and hugged Hyunjin. "Thank you Hyung. Do you want to join us?"

"Sorry kitten but I have a extra work,you can continue without me,alright?" Felix pouted a little but nodded,he didn't dwell on his disappointment. Hyunjin pecked him quickly before going upstairs again to continue his work. "I will decorate the cupcakes,do you want to do it with me Jisungie?" Felix asked,putting the bag on the counter. "You two think I forget about the cleaning? Don't make me stand up." Jeongin warned and Felix shivered,he knew this threat and he didn't want Jeongin to clean all alone. "No no,stay here ok? Me and Felix will do it,right Lixie?" And Felix nodded.

After a lot of cleaning and some deaths glare from Jeongin who looked at them everytime they sighed,they finished everything and now Felix was decorating the cupcakes,he drown one with a Fox, a Furret and a Squirrel just like Jisung. Jisung was drawing a chicken,he found it just like Felix. They were still in the kitchen when someone ringed the bell at the entrance. Curious Felix looked at the living room and saw the maid opening the front door and Hyunjin walking downstairs.

Hyunjin didn't know that they will have a visit today,he assumed that everyone was already here. He looked at the front door just to see Wonyoung standing there,waving at him. "Hello Oppa,long time no see." He walked towards her confused,he didn't know what was she doing here. "Hello...what are you doing here Wonyoung?" He asked and Wonyoung just smiled more,he didn't really know? "Oppa...I told you that I'll visit you 3. Did you forget about it?" And then it hit him,the letter in his car. The anonymous person,it was her...

But before he could say anything,a loud noise was heard in the kitchen and they all turned there...

So it was Wonyoung the anonymous person all this time!! I can't believe it...
Few chapters left I didn't count them but I guess 10-20 chapters before the final.
So did you guys knew it? Was it expected or not??

Fool me/HyunlixDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora