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Hyunjin waited patiently all day,but Felix didn't say a thing about the text. He acted like everyday and he couldn't help his mind to think about that Daddy guy who could possibly be his dad or another man, surely better than Hyunjin. Maybe Felix wanted to let Hyunjin now because of all he did to Felix. But he could swore that Felix was in love with him. It was easy to see anyway,the poor boy looked at him like he was the most beautiful thing in the world. Hyunjin was indeed beautiful,Felix was right about it. They were now at home,on Hyunjin's bed because Felix wanted to sleep with him. So if Felix didn't want to tell him,he will make him.

"Kitten,I have a question." Hyunjin's was tricking Felix hair. "You can ask." He said,shifting his position so he could face Hyunjin. "Wh-where are your parents?" He asked hesitantly,he didn't wanted Felix to know that he saw his text. "They are probably home. Why?" Felix asked very confused,he never asked about him. "I-I just wanted to know. Do you have a good relationship with them?" He asked again. "Yes,I have a very good relationship with them. They visited me often when I was working at the club." "So you don't plan meeting them soon?" Felix looked at Hyunjin weirdly. "Not really,you know I avoid them a lot,they are too much protective and embarrassing." Felix joked.

"But why do you ask? You want to meet them already?" Felix raised a eyebrow. Hyunjin didn't know how to feel right now all he knew was this Daddy guy wasn't his dad. "No,we should sleep." He turned away from Felix,upset and very angry. He didn't wanted to talk to him in case he will raise his voice and scold him. Felix didn't told him things about the text,he didn't even tell him that he had somewhere to do tomorrow. He didn't know Felix could hide him something,he seemed to share everything with him. So why didn't he told me about tomorrow?

Felix furrowed his eyebrows,why did Hyunjin acted like that suddenly? He wanted to ask but he remembered how thing turned last time he pressured the elder and he didn't want it to happen again. So he just put his head on Hyunjin's chest and drifted to sleep. Hyunjin wasn't asleep,he let Felix cuddling with him just to have him satisfaction that Felix was with him and he was cuddling with him not with that Daddy guy whoever he was. Felix was his and he will remain his,he just have to found who was this guy,kill him and trying harder so Felix won't look at anyone.

The next day,he intentionally took long to woke up and take breakfast. Felix was lazily on his lap,swallowing every bit of foods Hyunjin gave him. He didn't seem nervous that Hyunjin was still home when he should have been at work already. That made Hyunjin more frustrated,Felix didn't seem to even get ready. He was on the laying in the couch watching a movie. "Kitten? I'm off to work." Felix stood up and pecked Hyunjin's cheek. "Good bye Hyung,don't come home late and take care." He said before laying down again.

Hyunjin walked out and stay in his car for thirty minutes but Felix was still home. He drive out and hide there for maybe 2 hours before a car parked in front of the gate. He couldn't see anything in the car cause all the windows were hued. Few minutes later,Felix entered the car and they drove off. Hyunjin eventually tried to follow them but he lost their track. "Shit!" He yelled in his car,smacking the wheels violently. Where the fuck did they go and who the fuck was in this car?! Hyunjin wasn't happy,he could burst at any moment.

He didn't go to work that day,he drove back to his house and waited for Felix in the living room. All he could think was the way to kill this Daddy or anything. He couldn't afford to loose Felix,he just have to remind him who he belonged to. If being soft didn't work he will try the other method and see if Felix could even look at someone else after. Maybe it was the worst mistake his kitten could do,he had no other choice now than destroying every piece of him and making him his only doll,with nothing else than him in his mind...Without knowing Felix transformed to Hyunjin's doll himself without anyone's help.

Hours passed,it was 6pm and Hyunjin anger increased minutes by minutes. And then he heard the door opening,Felix walked to the living room. "Oh good evening Hyung,you are early today." He said taking off his shoes. Maybe the fact he wasn't even nervous seeing Hyunjin here,made him more angry. "Where were you?" He asked lowly. "Can you repeat ? I didn't hear y-" "Where the fuck were you!" Hyunjin yelled and Felix backed off,scared. "Answer me! Where and with you were you!" Hyunjin yelled again walking toward Felix.

Felix was crying already,Hyunjin yelled at him for any reason. "I-I was with Jisung." He replied,tears flowing in his eyes. "Stop lying! You weren't with Jisung!" "I w-was with Jisung,Hyung why are you yelling?"  Felix tried to ease the elder but they didn't work,why did he think he was lying? "Then why didn't you ask permission to go out?" "B-because you told me that I didn't have to ask." Felix sobbed,Hyunjin was mad at him again. "Stop fucking lying Felix! I saw the message yesterday,you planned to go out with a certain Daddy! Who is he?" He asked gripping the boys hands so he couldn't go away. "It was Jisung." Felix repeated.

"I told you to stop lying! Why do you call Jisung daddy huh! You better tell me the truth before I will do something you don't like." "I-I don't know Hyung,w-we are bestfriend and we do something without reason. I promise you that it was Jisung,why can't you believe me?" Hyunjin was enraged,for him Felix was lying. His grip on Felix hands were strong and the poor boy suffered. "You keep lying? You want me to hurt you!" "No,no stop Hyung it's hurt,I'm not lying please." He cried from pain and because he was scared of Hyunjin's behavior.

Miraculously,Felix could escape Hyunjin's grips and he ran to his room with he older running after him. He locked it and fell down on the carpet sobbing loudly,it was again his fault,he should have ask Hyunjin's permission. But the elder told him that it was not necessary and he didn't want to annoy him. Suddenly his phone ringed,he took it and answered the call. "Hello Princess? Are you safely at home?" He asked. "Y-yes I am." Felix hiccuped. "Why are you crying?" "I messed up again...Hyunjin is mad because I didn't ask his permission to go out and when I told him «I was with Jisung »he didn't believe me because he saw our text yesterd-" But suddenly his phone was not longer with him but with the taller man behind him.

Today,I was out with my aunt and she brought me a poster of Taehyung because she said that I'm too obsessed by those "Chinese" boys 😬 yes they are all Chinese for her

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