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One week passed. One week of pain for Felix who kept crying everyday when he woke up without Hyunjin by his side. One week of struggling because since he took his medicines,his memories slowly began to come back. Every night he will wake up screaming because now that he remember everything,he kept dreaming about the last day he spend here in the club. Jisung and Jeongin tried everything to make him feel better but that's just last for some times before he go deep in his sadness again. How many time did he tried to sneak out and reach for Hyunjin? Nobody know,except Jeongin who caught him everytime he tried. In the beginning they leave him with his phone but he tried to call the older so they had to take it away from him.

Despite of that,Mrs Kim who visit Felix everyday for his daily visit,assured that his organism began to let more and more foods go in. And everytime she asked him what was his motivation he would just answer 'Hyunjin'. That wasn't what she wanted,he should be his own motivation. But maybe if the reason of all of this contributes in helping him too,it wasn't that bad. Felix was so eager to healing that sometime he took more than he should and ended throwing up. He didn't understand till now that it wasn't the best way to do that. He needed time,a lot of time to heal for a 'illness' he had for years. He can't just woke up one day hoping that he recovered overnight.

But the word waiting and patient didn't suit well in his mind. He couldn't wait to finally being with Hyunjin. He couldn't be patient knowing that Wonyoung was with his man and could just snatch him away. He didn't have time but he can't do much than just waiting and trying to do better everyday. But more days passed,less patient he had and it had just been one week. It was really too much being away from Hyunjin,he wasn't used to that anymore. The longest time he didn't seen Hyunjin before was 1 day just because Hyunjin went to work and he slept before he came back. He swore that the next time they met each other,he will stick on him like a glue and never let him go again even if he had to tie him up.

Now he was in his room,doing nothing like everyday. The only thing he does was sleeping, eating and talking to Jisung and Jeongin. Sometime he danced too but he wasn't allowed to the private room,he wasn't even allowed to dance when there was a lot of customers because Jeongin didn't want him to relive what happened to him few months ago. "Lixie? Are you sleeping?" He heard Jisung calling for him accros the door. "No Ji,you can come." He said and the older entered the room,sitting next to his best friend. "H-How are you feeling today?" Jisung asked hesitantly,he didn't wanted to upset Felix. Mrs Min told them to be very careful with him,they have to treat him like a King for the time of his treatment. "Honestly,I miss Hyunjin." Felix said softly before laying his head on Jisung's laps. "I'm not used to be away from him anymore Hyung and everyday it's becoming just more unbearable."

Jisung in the first place wasn't against the sea of them being apart for some times. Felix was so dependent upon Hyunjin that it was becoming more toxic day by day. Felix just talked about Hyunjin since the first time they met,he tallied about how he loved him and how he could do anything to have him. It was normal,Hyunjin was his first ever love. That was the reason why Jisung didn't go against Felix will to be with the older,he loved seeing Felix happy and if him being happy was being the Hyunjin then he had nothing to say about it. But now seeing his smiley friend being sad and gloomy all day made hims sad too,even if it was for his own good. "I know you can do it baby, me and boss will always be there for you and Hyunjin too will be always there for you." Jisung reassured him.

"But I can help being scared Hyung. Mrs Kim said that he could not be really in love with me and I'm afraid he will realize that he decide to marry Wonyoung like his parents wanted him to do. Even now I don't know why he decide to take her living with him,I don't want to loose him not after all I did to finally have him." Jisung sighed,he could understand his worry. "Don't think about that baby ok? I know he love you and he won't realize anything cause there's nothing to realize. He already know how much he loves you,ok? Now stop worrying, Boss said that you can dance tonight." Jisung said reassuring him and seeing the boys eyes lighting up when he talked about dancing makes him smile too. "Really? I have to practice now,come here Hyung we have a lot to do before tonight. Why didn't you tell me this earlier,I don't think I have time to do a lot of things." Felix said excitedly dragging Jisung out of the room.

They practiced their dance all afternoon,Jeongin kept on praising Felix again and again and that eventually didn't suit well in the others head. Because why their boss still praising someone who wasn't part of their team anyway? But everytime they tried to comment something,Jeongin would just glares at them ordering them silently to keep quiet. "You did so well angel,you still have a lot of talent." Jeongin said ruffling his blue hair and Felix smiled at him thanking him shyly because he was still embarrassed when he was complimented in public. He should have been used to it by now. Jeongin and Jisung complimented him since ever,not missing an occasion to tell him about his beauty and Hyunjin too didn't miss a change to compliment him. His entourage was just so fond of him,he was full of compliments everyday.

The next morning Felix was in Jeongin's office for his daily visit with Mrs Kim. They were talking about his progress and a lot of stuff rated to it. She gave him a new file of aliment and meals he had to eat with all the measurements supplied by a specialist in eating disorders. "When can I see Hyunjin again?" Felix asked taking aback the psychologist. "Felix...There's still a lot to do and a lot to figure ou-" "Do you have someone you love dearly and for whom you are capable of do anything?" Felix cut her and gave her a expecting glare. "Yes,I have that person in my life." "Would you like to be separated of them? And would you like being forced to figure out if you really like them or not? I guess no right?" Felix took a deep breath before continuing.

"It's the same with me. I love Hyunjin with all my heart,he is the only person I love and I know that nothing can change that. I'm sick of being away from him." "I know that,but here it's not just a question of love Felix, it's about your both mental health. Being in love isn't all,having a healthy relationship is necessary to grow closer and what you had wasn't healthy. And if you want to being together again and having a good foundation you have to pass by this." Mrs Kim explained sternly,making Felix understand that her intention wasn't to separate them. Felix sighed,but if he couldn't meet Hyunjin for the moment,he wanted at least to know how he was doing. "Ok,I understand. But can you please tell me how he is doing? How is Hyunjin?" Felix asking Mrs Kim pleadingly. She pursed her lips before looking at Felix. "Well..."

I update because I want to feel good after reading your next comments! I'm so sad right now lmao... anyway Hyunjin is the center next chapter!! Byee

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