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Hyunjin reached their headquarter and didn't waist time before running to Minho who was sitting and talking with everyone else. When he noticed the younger he was surprise. "Oh, You were quick." He said standing up. "Yeah,I broke few rules but it's more important." Hyunjin said leading the way to his office. "Hyunjin,you've already broke a lot of road's rules. You will loose your drivers license if you don't stop." Minho scolded him but Hyunjin didn't really care,listening to what Minho would tell him about that Lee Dong Wook was more important. "Don't worry,if I loose it I'll take it again." He rolled his eyes. "But we shouldn't waist a lot of time,tell me about what you found."

Minho sighed but gave him a file. He took it and directly looked at two pictures in the corner of the paper. "This is Lee Dong Wook,51 years old and his wife Lee Ji eun 43. He is the CEO of Lee TM and he also have his own mafia but it's not that famous or known as it was before. It say that after his right hand left him,his mafia looks just like a ridiculous gang leading by some teenagers. I couldn't find any other information and the reason why he is after you is still a mystery." Hyunjin looked at the old man and the blond woman. She is the same person he saw that night. She didn't look her age. "I already met her one night at the bar. She told me that her fiance was caught cheating on their wedding day. And the first thing I thought was she looked familiar." Hyunjin explained.

"Hum...maybe you met her in one of those gala since she is Lee Dong Wook wife,they probably went there together." Minho said,trying to give a good reason about what Hyunjin said. "No...she didn't look familiar like that. It's like I've met her without meeting her." Hyunjin said sighing a little,he didn't know how to say it to his Hyung. "Ah...I don't know then,maybe you saw someone who looked like her." That was the very possible probable reason but he just shrugged it off. "Try to find more about him,and try to find if Wonyoung have something related to him." "Why? What does Wonyoung have to do with that?" Minho asked confused about his friends words. "She is the one who protected me all this time and she said she did it because she wanted to marry with me and have kids and all." Hyunjin explained casually like if it was not a big deal.

"What? It was her? And she want to marry you?" Minho asked curious about his best friends life. "Yea and our parents too want that and they are planning our wedding. She's even living with me." "Living with you? Your parents are planning your weeding?" Hyunjin nodded and saying that Minho was confused was the least. "A-And what about Felix?" He didn't think that they will split off that easily,it was like they couldn't survive without each other. "What about him?" Hyunjin asked back. "I-I thought that you were in a serious relationship with him and that he was already living with you. Why Wonyoung is living there too?" "Don't worry Hyung,everything is good." Hyunjin answered.

"Everything is good? Are you insane? Nothing is good here." Minho said exasperated. Hyunjin wasn't the kind of man playing around that was why he never had a relationship before. And hearing how he casually said that he was going to marry Wonyoung when few days back he was still in a crazy love story with Felix,confused him. "I told you everything is good why don't you believe me. I already know what to do just let it slide." Hyunjin said rolling his eyes. "And what did you plan Hyunjin? Did you even told it to Felix?" He asked but Hyunjin shook is head. "Not yet,he didn't have to know that I'm going to marry her. We already had a big fight when I told him that she was going to live with us."

"And what in what you just said is fucking good? When do you plan on telling him? On the wedding day himself? Saying « Surprise I'm marrying Wonyoung so you can leave.»? Hyunjin it's too bad,I can't tolerate it. You've already done a lot of shitty things to Felix but this one is just too much." He was angry,because Felix was such a pure heart and Hyunjin kept on hurting him again and again. "I know Hyung and I didn't mean any of them really. I'm just too emotionally unstable when it's come to Felix and I hurt him because of that. But I told you that everything is good,have faith on me."

Minho took a deep breath,Hyunjin seemed to genuine to lying to him. But that didn't cool down his anger because it could cause a damage to his relationship with Jisung and he couldn't afford that,not now when the younger seemed to let him be part of his life. "Tell me what you are planning." He said but Hyunjin didn't said anything. "Why do you want to know?" Hyunjin said stubbornly. "Hyunjin tell me what are you planning to do." He asked again but he was angrier than before,he could just burst out if Hyunjin didn't answer him. "I think it's none of your business. It's just about me and my kitten." Hyunjin replied back.

"Fucking Hwang Hyunjin! Told ne the fuck what are you planning to do before I'll choke you!" Minho screamed and the younger rolled his eyes. "Chill out,you are more tense than me." Hyunjin giggled a little and Minho smiled his head. "Ouch,stop hitting me and I'll tell you but don't tell it to anyone ok?" Hyunjin said and Minho groaned showing him that he hadn't the patient for that. "I still don't know why you are so interested about it but I'll tell you anyway." Minho fixed at him and Hyunjin finally decide to speak and told him what he had in his mind and what he will do. And the more Minho listened to him,the more he was worried about his friend's mental health. He wasn't sane. And he looked more insane because he told all of that like it was the easiest things to do.

Minho was now in his car. Hyunjin went home few minutes ago saying that he was exciting to be with his kitten. Minho looked at the card in his hand,hesitating if he should do it or not. Hyunjin and Felix relationship wasn't his problem but Hyunjin being insane and Felix being the victim of it was his problem. Felix being dependent upon Hyunjin and Hyunjin willing to do the craziest thing for them two was his problem. Protecting them from each other was his problem,because he cared for Hyunjin and Felix slowly took a place in his life too because of his softness. He have to do it.

"Hello?" He said when his call was finally took. "Hello,this is Mrs Kim. What can I do for you?" A voice asked on the other end. "I-I hum...I'm not here for me but for two people I cared about. I have to save them." It was the best decision.

Hello! It's been I while since I updated but I will do it like that from now because there's not a lot of chapters left and I want to finish publishing it a bit latter.

Anyway what Minho heard from Hyunjin that triggered him that much???

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