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Hyunjin looked at Felix,showing him that he was all ears. "Who was that girl? You seemed to be pretty nervous around her." Felix looked away,preparing himself to the upcoming answer. "That was Jang Wonyoung, I met her few months ago because my parents wanted to emerge my company with theirs so they decided to marrying her with me." He said rolling his eyes,since then he didn't talk to his parents and didn't plan to anyway. It was pretty low from them,fortunately he put them in their place and told them that he wasn't interested in girl even a little. While rethinking about it he couldn't help but chuckles,their face that day was iconic.

Felix felt his heart breaking,Hyunjin was going to marry her. "S-so you two will get married then?" He asked without looking at Hyunjin because he was already crying. Of course Hyunjin will marry a beautiful girl like Wonyoung and not a boy like Felix who didn't have nothing for himself. And plus it was not a secret that rich person married between them. "Of course not,what even are you talking about. They forced me but they have no right anymore on me or on the company so I just told them to fuck off because I don't want to marry someone yet."

But that didn't really relieved Felix,he said yet so he could possibly marry her one day or another woman who were everything Felix wasn't. He couldn't help but cry more and he tried to be quiet but Hyunjin heard it and he already knew what made him cry. He easily took Felix on his lap without caring about all the person looking at them. "Hey kitten don't cry ok? I won't marry her or any other girl. Don't you know I'm well...I'm gay? I'm not interested in woman. I thought you already knew that kitten." Hyunjin said and Felix stopped to cry for a moment and Hyunjin was relieved.

But that didn't last long,Felix cried again at the thought of Hyunjin marrying another boy and that hurted more because Hyunjin didn't just want him. Hyunjin didn't even know what to do anymore,he didn't wanted to see him cry especially if the goal of this hang out was to make Felix fell better. "H-Hey kitten,stop crying hmm? I won't marry anyone ok? I promise you,you will be the one living with me nobody else so now stop crying." And instantly Felix stopped crying,he still sniffed a little but he didn't cry anymore.

That wasn't really what Felix wanted but it was ok for him. Hyunjin won't marry anyone and he will live with him forever and he was content of that,staying with Hyunjin was enough. "Ok Hyung I will stop crying,but can we got there?" He said pointing to a jewelry shop. Hyunjin smiled softly he was ok with everything Felix was ok wit and if Felix wanted to go to that jewelry shop then they will go there. If Felix want him to buy him a mansion he will do it and even if Felix wanted him to lick the ground he will do it as well because even if Felix didn't knew it,Hyunjin was willing to do whatever he wanted.

After one more hour at the mall,it was already lunch time. Felix tried hard to distract the older but Hyunjin was hungry and he already booked a fancy restaurant just for Felix. They were in the car and Felix was nervous,how could he skip this lunch? This morning it was already a hell for him to go empty his stomach without Hyunjin being with him. "You are too tense,you are probably hungry don't worry you will like it there." Hyunjin said and putting his hand in Felix tight and if Felix wasn't that nervous he would probably die in shyness.

The restaurant was fancy and very beautiful,Hyunjin had booked a table on the last floor for them two. The table was also pretty,everything was pretty until the food actually came. He managed to order the lest food possible even when Hyunjin insisted him to it more. "Eat a lot,there's your medicine I brought them us." Felix smiled at him while forcing the food past his throat without swallowing and drinking a lot of water. After the main course Hyunjin order some dessert too and Felix didn't know what to do anymore.

He already felt his stomach wanting to empty himself. Because of all the times Felix was vomited, his stomach could no longer stand any food and just wanted to empty himself if Felix wasn't going to do it. Suddenly Hyunjin's phone ringed and Felix took that opportunity to go to the toilet. Without wasting time he threw up,tears in his eyes because his throat hurted. When there was nothing left anymore,he wash his mouth and smiled at himself on the mirror,he didn't regretted anything. Like the first time he did it,he was very conscious of what he was doing. Yes maybe sometimes he was hungry and craved for some food but it was just when he was dumb enough to eat. He knew that he couldn't be fat,he didn't have to eat. Hyunjin was enough for him.

He came back to where Hyunjin was and Hyunjin was still in his phone. Felix took place and drink some water to calm his burning throat but even that,when Hyunjin smiled at him,he smiled back. "I'm so sorry kitten but I have to do something really important." He said when his call ended. Felix was sad,he wanted to hang out with him for the rest in the day. "A-ah...ok hyung just take me home then." Hyunjin felt so guilty,he did all of this for Felix but he was the reason of his sadness since this morning. He was such a bad person,he mad him feel insecure and now he had to let him all alone at home.

Hyunjin thought for some times before standing up,Felix followed him all the way to the car,head low and heart clenching. Hyunjin wasn't going to let him alone. He hesitated because Minho called him from the headquarter,if it was at the office he would take him with him without thinking. He trusted Felix enough to take him there,the boy never show any sign of betray to him and he didn't care about what Hyunjin did for living. So Hyunjin took a different road but Felix didn't knew it cause he didn't pay mind on it.

All I want to say is school suck and I'm nearly dying right now.
But it's already September 13 in Korea so Happy birthday Yeonjunnie baby ❤️🎉

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