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"That's how,Jeongin ended being the boss of the club. I don't know why Felix said that it was the solution but it worked really." BangChan ended letting Hyunjin process everything. "Our worst mistake was to help him,no it was to let him do as he wanted. If only we let him deal with it like every teenager of his age,maybe all of this wouldn't have happen." Jeongin said and maybe it was true. "Listen,Hyunjin. Felix suffered too much because of you,it was our mistake too because we helped him,we should have tell him to move on from you. Maybe right now he could have been with someone who loved him really,maybe he could have loved himself more."

"All I ask to you now is to let him tranquily. He don't need anymore drama in his life,he couldn't support another rejection from you." BangChan stood up and untied Hyunjin. "We let you go,Felix know nothing about it and he will surely cry,for days,for weeks or even for months but I know that he will be ok after that. It will take time but he will finally be ok and think more about himself. You don't have to see him anymore,we will make sure that he won't bother you anymore,you can live happily now,Felix won't bother you ever again."

Hyunjin sat on the bed,he didn't know what to say. He didn't know what he wanted he couldn't think but when they said that he didn't have to see Felix ever again,something in him broke in pieces. He didn't wanted that,he didn't know what he wanted but he knew it wasn't being away from Felix. "Yeonjun,take him out,Jisung will be there in few minutes to take him to his house." Hyunjin looked at Yeonjun,so he was Felix's man too. He sure was so dumb not noticing that. He went out,he wanted to go home and rest, a lot happened those few days and he could just pass out if he didn't take at least 10hours of nap.

He didn't knew when he reached his home but when he saw Minho he knew he wasn't at Felix's anymore. He went out of the car and directly go inside. Jisung looked at Minho who looked at him with a different expression on his face. "H-Hello Hyung." Jisung began but he knew that Minho won't greet him. "You lied to me." Was what Minho said when he approached the younger. "You knew everything and you didn't tell me. I thought you loved me Jisung." Jisung sighed,leaning on the car,tossing his arms. "I love you Minho but it's all." "What do you mean,it's all?"

"You wanted me to betray Felix,telling you the truth? Be realistic a little Minho. I love you but love isn't everything. Felix is not just my best friend,he is my only family. When my parents kicked me out,Felix and his parents welcomed me like I was part of their family,they treat me like no one ever treat me before. Felix did everything for me and he never asked something from me not even once. And you thought I'll betray him? For you? Maybe you think I'm a fool or something but Felix is like my little brother the only thing I could do for him was protecting him." Jisung took a deep breath. "And now you just show me that Felix will remain be my only family. If you ever considered me a little,you would have ask me why I did that and tried to understand me. But you called me a liar and you let other's problems stain our relationship."

"Because it isn't just about Felix and Hyunjin. It's about how much I can trust you Jisung." Minho said looking away from the younger. "You can trust me,I won't lie to you Minho but I won't betray Felix whatever may occur. You are both important to me but I can't tell you something that didn't have to do directly with me Minho. It's about Felix and Hyunjin not me and you. You have to understand that,if I acted like you I would have never talk to you since you are Hyunjin's friends and Hyunjin hurted Felix. But look at me, I even fell in love with you because you are not Hyunjin and I'm not Felix." Jisung explained but the older didn't seem like he wanted to understand him. "When you are ready to understand that what happened between Felix and Hyunjin don't have thing to do with us,call me." Jisung said before going in the car and driving away,letting the older in his own mind...

Hyunjin took a good rest,he cleared his mind and he knew what he wanted. Someone could say that he was a fool but he didn't care about it,he didn't care about anyone. He entered his car,and began driving off. Everything was settled,he will go to Felix and took him and he really hoped it will be the last time he have to take him like that. If his parents won't let him,he will kidnap Felix. He didn't think Felix would mind that,at least he hoped. He knew that he couldn't live without Felix and he felt so dumb to even try thinking like that. Felix was the only person kept him sane even if what he did wasn't sane. He needed Felix like no else and he hoped that the younger still wanted him as much as he wanted to be with him again.

He remembered the way to go there,it's just been a day. He really hoped it wasn't too late. He wouldn't mind if Felix asked him for more time,the younger waited for him for 5 years he could wait for him even all his life. When he reached the mansion he assumed to be where Felix lived,he went out of his car and knocked on the door. "Hyunjin? What're are you doing here? Didn't I told you to not come near my son again?" Jeongin said when he saw Hyunjin on the door. "Y-yes you said that...but I can't. Actually I can't be away from Felix and if you let me I want to be with him for the rest of my life."

One chapter left!!!

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