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He looked behind him to see Hyunjin looking at him with fire in his eyes and taking the call. "Who the fuck are you! You want to die!" He yelled at the person,he will surely kill him if he saw him one day. "What the fuck Hyunjin? What you did last time wasn't enough? He is fucking crying because of you again." Jisung yelled back at him and to say Hyunjin was surprised wasn't enough. "You really are a fucking bastard,do you like to see him cry that much! I will fucking told it to Boss and he will fucking kill you just you wait."

"J-Jisung?" He said,looking at Felix sobbing quietly on the floor. Yes he was such a bastard,such a coward and a dumb man. He made Felix cry because of his possessiveness. "I fucking hate you with all my might,all you always do is making Felix cry." And with that the call ended. He didn't know how to approach Felix,it was the worst he could ever do. Yelling at him and hurting him while he plaided Hyunjin to believe was out of borderline. Felix sobbed softly,without facing the elder,knees on his chest. The worst sight he ever witnessed. And he felt bad.

Felix couldn't face Hyunjin,he was scared that the elder will burst at him. What he did to Hyunjin was unforgivable,he should have asking his permission to go out. Everything was good and he messed up everything again because all he could do was being a burden and an annoying boy. "Stop talking damn! Do you have to always talk back at me? Why are you so fucking annoying? Why do you like to burden me for fuck sake juste leave me the duck alone!" That was what the elder told him last time and he just prove that hit was true.

"Felix... I-I'm so sorry." Hyunjin said walking toward him but Felix just backed off,he didn't want Hyunjin looking at his ugly crying face. Felix didn't deserve Hyunjin and he proved that again today,disappointing the elder until he was angry. "K-kitten I'm sorry,please forgive me." He didn't know how to approach the boy but he didn't really have to. "Why are you apologizing Hyung? It's my fault." Felix said with a raspy voice. "No no! Stop saying that. I-I lost control an-and I hurt you." Felix didn't say things,maybe he began to see how Hyunjin was really. "No it's my fault Hyung...Don't apologize. I should have asked your permission." Or not...

He couldn't think that Hyunjin could be a bad person and a bad thing for him. He always have been Hyunjin's doll since the first time they met each other. Felix couldn't see how Hyunjin was really when he idolized him like he was the most perfect thing in the world,when everything Hyunjin did was being good to him,when he was so in love with the older and when Hyunjin was the only thing in his mind. Of course he couldn't. Hyunjin tried to talk to him but Felix kept asking for his forgiveness,again and again and again. Yes Hyunjin reached his goal,Felix was his personal doll and won't see anything wrong about Hyunjin. And he felt shared between the satisfaction and the guiltiness.

"C-Can you please Hyung leave me alone. I'm tired and I want to sleep." Felix asked after minutes of saying sorry. He didn't want to sleep with the older today,he did so bad and he didn't deserve it. "You don't want to sleep with me kitten? Are you still mad?" Hyunjin asked,worried about that. "I'm not mad at you, I just want to sleep alone." Hyunjin didn't insisted,he already done enough. He already destroyed Felix enough,there was nothing left now. Felix waited until his door was closed to finally turn around.

He went to the bathroom and took a shower,he kept crying in the bathroom. He looked at his wrist,bruised because Hyunjin hold him hardly. He deserved it. "You can't stay still huh whore!? I will show you how I deal with brat like you."  "You thought you could run away huh? You will go out when I finish with you! Understand slut!" Seeing those bruises remind him a the time when he was sexually abused. He didn't know why,Hyunjin didn't abuse him but the man's word kept running on his mind. He began to panic,remembered every thing happening that night,when he almost loose his virginity. But why? Hyunjin didn't do nothing to him. Maybe because he never really healed.

And then he saw the man again, infront of him. He cried but the bathroom was soundproof,no one could heard him. "Oh pretty boy... You thought you get rid of me?" Felix was sitting on the cold floor of the shower,water still pouring in him,mixing with his tears. "L-let me...please." "Never,everytime you will feel sad I will be there,everytime someone hurt you I will be there. I'll remain the only one to ever stay with you." "Stop! Hyunjin didn't hurt me!" He screamed to the man in front of him. "Are you sure? What are those then? He abused you just like me. Everyone will abuse you."

Felix looked at his wrists and shook his head. "I deserved it,I made him angry! Let me now! Go out of my head!" Felix yelled again and again until eventually he didn't see the man anymore. "Hyunjin won't hurt me ever again,it was my fault. I deserved it." He kept saying that for hours. And slowly his mind was convinced that it was really his fault,his mind slowly gave up and he created a different scenery where he was the one yelling at Hyunjin and the one doing something wrong. He felt so guilty now,he yelled at Hyunjin. Hyunjin was in all right to scream at him. In his mind Hyunjin tried to stop him from doing something wrong but he didn't let him and that's why his wrist were bruised. "Omg,I'm such a bad person,I have to ask for his forgiveness." It was more easy to change his memory than to accept that Hyunjin did something wrong. And he was willing to do everything for Hyunjin...

I'm so sad about my own story,what in the hell I was thinking when I wrote those sad chapters?🥲 poor Felix anyway I hope you enjoyed it

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