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The said male almost jumped out his skin from the loud voice, calling his name. His huge round glasses almost falling.

Quickly adjusting his glasses and closing his book, he stood upright, just in time for his door to slam open, revealing a similar looking woman. She was a mirror of Hoseok, just with long hair and a little bit older. Well, she was a lot more older than you'll think, she was just so beautiful that you'll still think she was a teenager.

"M- ma?" Hoseok spoke, mentally causing himself for stuttering against such simple word.

"What are you doing?" The woman asked, more like snapped. Her gaze piercing into Hoseok's skull.

Hoseok broke the contact immediately, training his gaze to the floor. Afraid of what the outcome would be if he looked any longer.

"I- um... I- I w- was reading."

"You were reading? Where did you get the books from?"

It's not like she cares anyway, why was she asking? "The library." Hoseok answered instead.

"And who gave you permission to leave the house?" She seethed, anger slowly rising.

"NO! I didn't leave the house." He answered immediately, raising his fearful gaze to the woman. "It's from dad's library, I asked Jiwoo noona for permission."

The woman rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Anyways, get yourself ready and wear this. We have a visitor coming in a few hours." She said, placing a cloth bag on his bed. He's a very important man so make sure you're in your best behavior." She made her way out but returned soon after. "And make sure you cover those cuts and bruises, I don't want any imperfections, neither does our visitor."

Hoseok timidly nodded, feeling somewhat ashamed.

He stared long at the clothes his mother had just placed on his bed, slightly confused. Normally, whenever a business partner visited their home. His elder sister was always the one attending whatever meeting they organized, considering that she was the oldest and was done with school. He'd never attended one and knew little to nothing about whatever business his parents were doing, except that they owned a company that was gaining popularity in Korea.

His parents were rich, yes. But only rich with money. The family chemistry was very poor and it affected Hoseok the most. His parents weren't even helping, his mum especially. For unknown reasons, she hated Hoseok and always didn't want him at her sight.

The only person Hoseok could turn to was his elder sister, Jiwoo. But Jiwoo wasn't always at home. She was a very busy woman, traveling from places to the other. And his mother wouldn't stop rubbing Jiwoo's success against his face, telling him how much of a disgrace he was to the family. It was pretty clear Jiwoo was their favorite.

He stared at himself in the giant mirror, well dressed in a golden colored tuxedo suit, jet black hair perfectly styled, thanks to his expertised hands. At least, that's the only thing he could proudly boast about. Being able to style hair to a person's taste. Leaving him to wander why he hadn't just settled to becoming a hairdresser.

Of course he knew why, his parents. According to them, the family's reputation would be tarnished if he decided to choose that profession.

For some reasons, he felt strange, wandering what this business meeting was about. He'd never been involved in any of the family's business program, so suddenly wanting him in this didn't sit right him. He knew his sister was in Korea, so why didn't they choose her? Why him?"

Hoseok's thoughts got interrupted when his door flung open, revealing his mother. "Are you going to spend an entire century dressing up or what? We're waiting for you."

"S- sorry ma, I'm ready, I was about to make my way out."

The woman scoffed, muttering something under her breath. "Follow me." She said, opening the door wider for Hoseok, making her way down the stairs.

She stopped midway, on the stair way, turning to Hoseok who was following behind her. "Make sure you have the nicest smile. I'll skin you alive if there's any imperfections." She warned, giving Hoseok a dirty glare.

Hoseok gulped, nodding his head. Her dirty glare returned to a sweet smile, one which Hoseok hadn't seen in years. That smile was fake, he knew it.

She turned around, elegantly making her way down the stairs.

He made contact with his dad who was sitting opposite the said visitors. The man in return gave him a warning glare, before looking away, continuing with whatever conversations he was making.

There were probably three or four other people in the jungs living room, new faces, Hoseok observed.

There was an older woman, probably the same age with his mum. An older man, maybe a little bit older. A young teenager who seemed really uninterested in this meeting, he had his head buried in his phone, probably on a video game. And finally, the one that caught his eyes.

He was wearing a jet black tuxedo, jet black hair perfectly slicked back, legs crossed over the other in a confident manner. And his shoes? Goddamn, they were brighter than the sun itself. His skin was pale, like he was some vampire. He also looked rather uninterested in whatever was going on as he had his head buried in his phone, typing.

Hoseok sat next to his mother, not sure exactly what to do.

"You must be hoseok, am I right?" The older woman asked, her sweet smile doing strange things to the said boy's heart.

Hoseok eyes went slightly wide, wandering how she knew him. Hoseok nodded in response, trying his best to return her sweet smile. It worked, thank goodness.

"Omo! He's so cute! I like him already." The woman gushed, slightly tapping on her husband she was some teenager, fangirling over her favorite K-pop idol.

Light pink hue formed on Hoseok's cheek, he was hardly told about his looks, so he wasn't used to the complement.


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