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I know it's gonna be hard for you,
but we can start from scratch, and take
little steps.
Okay? I'm not gonna make
you regret anything."

Let's say that was the best day for the couples. For they spent an entire day in each other's arm, pouring out their feelings.

Yoongi wouldn't stop spoiling the younger's face with kisses and Hoseok had to tie a veil around his face, like he was a Muslim, depriving Yoongi any access.

Yoongi laughed. "What is that for?"

"Well you won't stop kissing me. I feel like my face would go sore from just you kissing me." He defended, returning to his old position on the bed, snuggling closer to the elder.

"Oh come on, I can't help it, you can't deprive me of that?! That's not fair!" Yoongi whined like a kid.

"Don't worry, you'll get to kiss me when it's time for my next medicine."


A proverb states that. Not every happy moment would neither last for a long time nor will it last forever.

Their sweet moment was short lived.


The next day was a Monday, working day. Hoseok was feeling much more better now, not entirely recovered.

He wanted to go to work, but Yoongi insisted that he stay at home and take enough rest.

After so much persuasion, Hoseok reluctantly gave in.

Kissing him farewell, Yoongi hopped in his car, driving out of the mansion, to work.


Leah visited once again. Yoongi wanted to tear the whole place apart. He'd given up trying to replace his security each time she broke in. Looks like she had her way.

"What again!" He groaned, clearly annoyed.

"Ohh your little sweety is not here today. I heard you gave him a job already. I was hoping to see him today." The lady spoke with a fake pout, eying Hoseok's office from the glass wall.

Yoongi pressed a button on his table, blurring the wall immediately.

"What. Do. You. Want?" Yoongi emphasized, his angry tone rising at every word.

She grinned widely. "To congratulate my cousin for the job well done."

Yoongi didn't quite catch what it means.

"You don't get it I see. Well..." she took her seat opposite the elder, crossing her leg over the other.

"You agreed on a business deal with my dad last week Friday. Am I wrong?"

"Your dad?"

"Yeah, Lim Denis is his name. Doesn't that ring a bell?"

'Shit' Yoongi was speechless.

She smirked, seeing the disbelief on the male's face. "And it turns out that my dad is your beloved husband's uncle. Jung Hoseok is my cousin."

"That's a lie, He doesn't even know the man, nor does he know you." Yoongi tried to defend, finding it hard to believe that Hoseok would betray him."

"Is that what he told you? Oh no poor thing. You trusted him a little too much." Lea mocked. "You're finally getting stuck with me forever."

Yoongi squinted his eyes, arms folded. "I'm married." He said firmly. "Put that in your head. I'm not getting married to someone else."

Lea gave a mockery laugh. "Ah no I don't mean that darling. We'll get to talk about that later on. I mean we're now stuck in your business together. Whatever profit you make, I get a good share of it. We're now business partners. Whatever decision I make is what you'll follow." She said with a sinister smirk.

Yoongi was loosing it. "No way!" He growled lowly. "I'm not letting you near me or any of my things, nor am I giving you any chance to ruin me ever again."

"Oh no! You're already ruined. Didn't you read the documents Hoseok gave you to sign last Friday? It has every details there. Take, here's a copy. you can read it once again." She said, tossing a small brown envelope on the table between them.

She got up, adjusting her short dress. "I'll make my leave now. I'll be back soon to claim what's mine." She smiled at him, elegantly making her way out.


Yoongi's office was in a mess. He was beyond angry. He could see nothing but red.

How dare he! How dare he play him. "Fucking bastard!" He muttered angrily under his breath. "I trusted you with all my life and you repayed me with this? You're gonna regret this, Jung fucking Hoseok, there's no where to run to."

He stormed out of his now upside down office, making his way to his car. Driving restlessly, he made his way to the nearest cheap bar.


"Yoongi? You're home early." Hoseok got up from his seat, making his way towards the elder. He was bored and decided to waste time, reading books when Yoongi suddenly barged into his room.

Hoseok frowned, when the scent of strong alcohol, hit his nostrils. "Did you drink? You reak of alcohol."

Yoongi charged towards the younger, slamming his back to the wall, caging him, in between himself.

Hoseok winced at how hard his back hit the wall, surprised at Yoongi's sudden attack.

"You. Fucking. Traitor!" Yoongi greeted through his teeth, his veins visibly popping from how strong he greeted them.

Now Hoseok was confused. He didn't know what was going on or why Yoongi would talk to him that way. But one major thing he was sure of was Yoongi was drunk and angry, which scared him."

"Huh?" Was all he could mutter.

"Oh now you're framing innocence. Isn't it? I see that's what you're good at." Yoongi laughed dryly.

Hoseok frowned, still very confused. "What are you talking about?"

Yoongi suddenly punched the wall, extremely close to Hoseok's face. The wall vibrated so vigorously that the art frame hung on the wall fell to the ground, it's glass shattering into pieces.

Hoseok closed his eyes tightly shut, visibly shivering. "P- please stop." He muttered under his breath."

"You didn't tell me Lea was your cousin." Yoongi finally said something to the younger's understanding. Anger still deep in his tone.

"Lea?... No?... she isn't."

"Lies!" Yoongi seethed, red flashing through his vision. "You've still got the fucking nerves to lie in front of me!"

"I'm not lying! Yoongi what's wrong with-..."

"DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT!!" Yoongi growled in his loudest voice, slamming his fist on the wall once again.

"You're gonna deny the fact that Mr Lim is your uncle also?"


Have a great day guys

Please don't forget to vote

"Y'all, Lemme burst your big bubbles😀, Yoongi is  about to fuck up. Oh wait! He's fucking up already.

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