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He missed the elder already, despite
him just being a few meters
away from him.

"Sweetheart, guess what."

Hoseok spun around, startled by the elder's sudden presence.

"How do you keep doing that!?"

"Doing what?" Yoongi smiled, hands wrapping around the younger's waist as he pulled him closer.

""You always sneak in. I didn't even hear the sound of the door talkless of your shoes hitting the floor!" Hoseok complained, arms resting on the elder's chest.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, smiling. "I guess I'm quiet then, besides I love watching you so concentrated and oblivious to my presence.

Hoseok huffed, hitting the elder's chest. "Aren't you being a creep? You shouldn't be sneaking up to someone like that... I get scared sometimes." He pouted, gaze leaving the elder.

Yoongi gave an understanding smile, leaning down to kiss away his pout. "Noted. I'm sorry, I didn't know it scared you." He apologized, leading them both to his bed room.

"Back to where I was going, guess what."

"What?" Hoseok smiled, studying the elder's face for any hint.

"First of, I gifted myself a week vacation from work, so I can spend enough time with you. And second of-..." he trailed off, his signature gummy smiled on his lips. "No, I won't say it, you have to guess that one." He completed, shaking his head.

A light giggle left Hoseok's lips. "How do you gift yourself a vacation, aren't you the boss?"

"Yeah, I'm the boss of me, so my boss decided I've worked enough and need to spend some great time with my loveliest husband." Yoongi answered cutely, earning a laugh from Hoseok.

"God I thought you were a complete badass, I didn't know you could also be cute."

"But you're cuter-... Hey! Don't change the topic! I want you to guess what the second surprise is."

"How am I supposed to guess if it's a surprise?" The younger chirped playfully.

"Just guess... please!" Yoongi whined, jutting out his lips cutely.

Hoseok giggled, raking his mind for what the surprise could be. "Seriously, I don't know, but I'm guessing you had a bigger successful deal with a business partner at work?"

Yoongi shook his head, clicking his tongue, "nahh, better than that."

"Urg, just tell me already, I'm not good at guessing games!" Hoseok whined, attacking Yoongi with his naturally built cuteness overload.

"Okay, I will." Yoongi smiled, spinning them both around.

"I just finished building our beach house in Hawaii. And I want us to go and spend our vacation there. Just the two of us, no staff, no maid, just you and me alone..." He paused, taking a heavy breath. "You know, with all that had happened in these past months, I thought it would be best that we go for a trip, to clear our mind off things, for you especially... actually, I suggested this to your therapist, and she concluded that it would be the greatest idea." Yoongi finished, studying the younger's face for any reaction.

Hoseok's eyes was as wide as a sauce pan, filled with many emotions, questions and what Yoongi couldn't tell.

"Yoongi..." Hoseok whispered, voice tearful. He quickly hid his face in the elder's shoulder, trying to hide his tears.

"I don't even know how to thank you properly, you've done so much for me. You make me feel so... loved."

"Hey, baby... look at me." Hoseok slowly withdrew from his shoulder, tearful gaze meeting the elder's.

Yoongi smiled, caressing his damp cheeks. "It's my priorities to treat you like the angelic princess you are. I'll joyfully, give you a billion fold of happiness if I have to. You don't have to thank me for anything, okay? I'll only be happy if I see you happy and strong, that's all I want."

"Hoseok gave a wet smile, resuming back to hug the elder. "I feel like I'm the luckiest man on earth for marrying you."

"Then I'm the luckiest man in the universe for finding you.


"Wow! It's beautiful!" Hoseok wowed, doe eyes as big as a sauce pan as Yoongi led them both into the beach house.

It was the next day already, Yoongi wanted an early flight, so he'd instructed his maintenance unit to inspect and prepare his private jet for an early flight the next morning.

They didn't have much loads to pack. Knowing hoseok enjoyed wearing his clothes, he'd packed a lot of his shirts, and a few of Hoseok's favorite shorts and some sweatpants for himself. If they needed to hangout, he'll just buy them some nice clothes in any luxury clothes store in Hawaii.

And here they were, in front of the enormous beach house, that Hoseok still couldn't believe Yoongi called small.

"Did you say your beach house? As in you built it with your own money?"

"Point of correction, OURS" Yoongi pointed out, emphasizing on the last word as he unlocked the smart lock of the security door. They went through some other series of large security doors before the finally made their way in.

"Actually, I built it in your name, so it's technically yours." Yoongi completed with a sheepish grin, scratching his nape. "Do you like it?"

Hoseok's jaw which had been on the floor, eventually found it's purpose to speak. "Like it? Hyung I love it. This is... beautiful, it's ... enormous!!"


They spent the entire day exploring the mansion. There were so many rooms, that Hoseok thought he would lost if he didn't have a map.

Yoongi could do nothing but laugh at his silly jokes.

"Wow! Another garden!" This is like the fifth one I've seen now! Hoseok exclaimed happily. Watching the butterflies, flutter above the beautiful petals.

It was in the night already, and they were in their final tour room which was the master bedroom, the most breathtaking of them all.

"Oh there's even a better view there Yoongi said, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist as he led them both towards the other large glass wall of the room.

"Tada!"  Yoongi sang, as the remote control white cotton drew itself open, to a beautiful view.

Right in front of them was a beautiful view of a beach, it's waters, washing ashore, creating beautiful twinkling lights in the sand as the water rushed back into the sea.

"It's beautiful!"

Yoongi could see stars twirling in Hoseok's eyes as his eyes shone at the sight.

"Very beautiful." Yoongi repeated, gaze not leaving the younger's.


Have a nice day guys. So so sorry for the late update.  My exam begins next week Monday and I've been busying myself studying.  I promise to get back on my feet as soon as my papers is over.

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