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He was still the gentleman Yoongi
he knew when they first met.
Except that he was still very
intimidating, Hoseok couldn't
deny that.

Hoseok jolted up from his bed panting heavily. Sweat droplets rolling down his forehead. He'd yet again had another nightmare, and it was still the same one.

He'd been having it a lot recently, and he hated the fact that it was becoming more horror than it was before. This only happens when something was about to happen. He feared what it might be.

He wrapped his arms around his knee, face burried in his laps, trying to steady his breath.

Now wasn't the best time for a panic attack, he's supposed to be ready for work in an hour.

There was a knock on his door, signaling that Yoongi had ordered one of the maids to wake him up and get him ready.

"Young sir? Are you okay?" The maid asked as soon as she got inside the room, noticing his tensed actions.

Hoseok raised his head up, giving the lady a thin lip smile. "I'm fine thanks. You can leave. I'll be out in a few minutes." He said, managing to get up.

His knees failed him, and down he went, stumbling to the floor. The maid quickly came forward to help him up, guiding him to seat on the bed.

"You sure you're fine young sir? She asked worriedly. "I think you need to take a rest, I'll help you inform Yoongi sir that you're-..."

"No!" Hoseok shook his head, interrupting her. He gave her his thin lip smile once again. "I promise I'm fine, it's probably just a little dizziness, there's nothing wrong. You don't have to tell anything to Yoongi Hyung... please"

The lady signed, somewhat reluctant to give in to the younger master's  plea. Her job would be on the line if something serious eventually happened to him.

"A- alright sir. But sir it's best you take a rest if you aren't feeling too good. Yoongi sir won't be happy if he finds out that you're sick." She said, making her way out soon after.

In a few minutes, Hoseok was out, ready for his breakfast. Since he was earlier than usual, He met Yoongi, just about to have his breakfast. "Wow! You're early today. Thank goodness I'm not gonna waste an extra thirty minutes in the car, waiting for you to finish your breakfast." Yoongi commented playfully.

Hoseok gave a shy smile in response. Taking his seat opposite the elder.

Not much was said as they ate their breakfast. Yoongi did most of the talking actually. It was work related somehow, and Hoseok wasn't listening. He had his mind somewhere else.

"Earth to you sunshine!" Yoongi spoke, snapping his fingers in front of the younger, bringing him back to the presence. "Where you even listening to all that I've been saying?"

"What did you say?" Hoseok questioned back.

Yoongi's brow furrowed. "What's on your mind?" He asked instead.

Hoseok gave his signature thin lip smile. The beginning of anxiety, washing through his veins. He was trying so hard to keep calm.

Recently, his anxiety has been taking a toll on him, and he feared it would get worse as the day went by.

Yoongi seemed to notice his discomfort, and decided to change the topic.

"We should be on our way now, I'll give you the details in the office." Yoongi said, getting up, picking his keys and jacket, before making his way towards the exit.

Hoseok was thankful for the quick save. He quickly got up, going after the elder.


"This is what I was talking about this morning." Yoongi said, taking a seat opposite Hoseok's desk, a white office file in his hand. "This belongs to the JJ Firm. There's gonna be a conference meeting soon. The date hasn't been scheduled yet. They're proposing that we buy a share from their firm. But I don't know yet if that's a great idea. It'll be decided after the meeting."

"Oh okay." Hoseok nodded, scanning through the file.

"I need you to go through my schedule for the week and find what date is best for the meeting. I'd suggest it'd be on a Friday, since I don't really have much to do on that day."

"Alright then, I've got no problem with that." Hoseok said, placing the file aside, opening his laptop to rearrange Yoongi's schedule. "Who are we dealing with by the way?" He asked, typing on the system.

"The CEO of JJ Firm, Mr Lim... I think Dan is his name." Yoongi said, not sure of what the man's name was.

Hoseok suddenly stopped typing. "Lim Dennis?"

"Yeah that's his name." Yoongi nodded in approval. "Do you know him?"

"Y- yes... I mean no I- I don't know him. I've only heard of him somewhere." He answered, resuming his task on the laptop.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Hoseok mentally cursed, suddenly feeling uneasy. That was his uncle. The person he dreaded even more than his parents.

How was he even going to tell Yoongi that he wasn't someone he'd love to merge his business with. He was aware of the fact that the Min Firm had a not so nice history with his family's. Well it wasn't entirely his family's. It was Lim Denis himself. His parents also had a few hands in it.

Hoseok suddenly felt sick. He knew he dared not spill out anything, unless he wanted to lay in his coffin soon. His parents won't hesitate to tear him apart if he made Yoongi reject uncle Denis's offer.

Hoseok seriously fell sick after Yoongi had dropped the information. For known reasons, he felt nauseous as old memories kept flooding into his head.

He was so much affected that he skipped lunch. Yoongi didn't put much thought to it, thinking that he was busy. He didn't bother to disturb him, nor order him to go for his lunch break.

As if that wasn't enough. He got a phone call from his mum soon after, informing him about uncle Denis's arrival and proposal. Once again threatening him of his life if he spilled out any thing.

Yoongi's hard earned success was literally on the line and there's nothing he could do to save


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Have a blessed day

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