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Hoseok's constant laughs and
giggles we're taking him
beyond the universe.

"There's not much information about him. Except that he's a member of the Jungs and he just got married to a Min recently." Josh said, handing Lea the single paper containing Hoseok's information.

"I couldn't even find any picture of him. Of course, except the one you sent to me. That picture was everywhere. I have to admit, he's really pretty. His husband must be very lucky."

Lea looked away from the paper, glaring at him.


"Yoongi is mine!"

"Yoongi? Is that who he got married to? Oh wow! He doesn't deserve that pretty angel. That bastard used and dump me after forcing me to be bottom for him."

Lea scoffed. "You only wanted him for his money."

"Well aren't we equal then? We both wanted him for the same thing, but except that you're still greedy and will do anything to get him back." Joshua retorted.

The both of them glared at each other, angry silence glooming in the atmosphere. Lea broke it.

"I've gotta do you a favor." And you're gonna help me with mine.

"What is it."

"You said this twink is pretty right? You're attracted to him somehow." She was referring to Hoseok.

"Of course."

"Good. You can have him all to yourself. Do whatever you want with him, while I get Yoongi. We're gonna have to help each other here."

Josh's brow raised. "Great idea! Why haven't you thought of this since?"

Lea rolled her eyes. Josh could be annoying sometimes. "Are you in or not?!" Her voice snapped.

"Of course I am, I want that pretty boy. I wonder how tight he'll be around my dick"



A very beautiful woman, Determined, Desperate. That's what people would say about her. She was well known in her school days, especially when she became friends with Yoongi.

They'd hang out all the time, having fun and making jest of people Yoongi played and dumped. It was really fun to them those days.

Yoongi wasn't entirely attracted to her as stated earlier. But decided to give her a try after realizing how she felt towards him.

He trusted her. He knew she wasn't there for his money.... Well that's what he thought.

Their relationship started on a smooth ground. And lasted for a very long time. A very very long time that they even began to make arrangements for marriage. That was the longest relationship Yoongi had ever been in.

People thought he'd break her heart, use and dumb her like he always do. But it was the other way round.

His close friends and relatives weren't in support of their relationship. His mum especially, she'd always talk Yoongi into settling down with someone else. Even his younger brother always gave Lea the blank stare each few times she visited.

His friends, Seokjin especially, constantly warned him to be wary of her.

"She could be a devil in a sheep's coat." He'd say. Yoongi would just laugh it off stating that the elder was just being panaroid.

Yoongi was fully aware of his family and friends disagreement of his relationship with Lea, but he didn't care. He trusted her so much and knew she wouldn't hurt him. He wanted someone that he could entrust his entire life to, and he chose her. His biggest mistake.

It was their final year of college, their last exams and project defense was just over. Everyone we're celebrating, except Yoongi. He heard the news that his grand father had died and he had to travel back to Korea immediately, enthrusting all of his pocessions with Lea.

He was supposed to spend an entire month in Korea, as planned. but he couldn't miss his graduation, so he spent just three weeks.

He didn't bother informing Lea of his earlier scheduled arrival.

On getting to his penthouse, the place was eerily quiet. He thought Lea wasn't around, so he used his spare keys.

The house was in a disastrous mess when he got in. It looked like people had just partied there, leaving all sort of trashes all over the place.

He was slowly getting annoyed. There was literally no clean ground for his foot to step on.

Hovering over the dirts, he made his way to his room...

...And there Lea was. Naked... getting slammed into by another guy. JOSH.

"THE FUCK!?!" Yoongi's angry voice growled, gaining both fucktards attention.

Scared, Josh quickly pulled out, grabbing his clothes and scurrying out of the room.

Lea looked unfazed. She sat up on the bed, crossing her leg against the other elegantly, as she picked her wine glass from the bed side table, taking a sip.

"What!" She said, non chalantly, shaking her wine glass, the red content in it spinning around.

Yoongi was speechless, visibly fuming.

"You literally disturbed my most enjoyable session and you think you can get mad at me? I should be the one angry."

"GET OUT!" Was the only thing he could growl out. He knew if he took a step towards her, he'd definitely end up in prison.

A corner of her lips rose, slowly getting up. She strided towards Yoongi, still naked. "I'll be the one telling you that soon." She whispered to his face. "I hope you're beginning to have a taste of your own medicine."

She picked her gown, putting it on. "Good bye Min Yoongi, see you soon." And with that, she made her way towards the exit, making sure to kick around the trash scattered all over the floor.

Yoongi wasn't sure what to do. He tried his best to remain as calm as possible. He knew if he did anything stupid, he might end up killing someone.

He felt betrayed.

Requesting for a cleaning service agent on his phone, he made his way out of the penthouse, to a strip club, venting all his frustration on a prositute. He spent his entire night there.

Yoongi woke up the next morning to legal authorities barging into his penthouse. They arrested him, for reasons he did not know.

He caught sight of Lea on his way to the police van, looking tattered and bruised all over. She was standing next to Josh.

They made eye contact and he saw her lips raise up in one corner before she burst out into tears, turning around to hide her face in Josh's chest.

Yoongi knew that tears was fake. He realized she'd planned this all along.


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