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Yoongi woke up early the next morning not to find Hoseok beside him.

He was about to start panicking when he sighted a familiar petite silhouette behind the curtain by the balcony.

Getting up, he silently made his way towards the younger.

"Good morning." He rasped, wrapping his arms around him from behind, kissing him lightly at the center of his hair.

Hoseok tensed a little, before relaxing into the elder's chest, realizing it was just Yoongi.

"Morning." He responded, his voice hoarse.

Yoongi realized he'd been crying. He spun him around, hearth breaking at the sight of his tear stained cheeks.

Yoongi signed, pulling him closer to him self. "Do you want to talk about it?"

He whispered, gently rocking him back and forth in his embrace.

Hoseok shook his head, nuzzling further into the elder's chest.

They remained silent for a few minutes, in each other's embrace.

"I'm always here to listen. Okay?" Yoongi broke the silence, staring down at the center of the younger's hair. "Spill out whatever that's in your mind. I'll be all ears. Don't hide them... please."

Hoseok pulled away from the elder's chest, staring up at him. His eyes were swollen from too much tears.

"Are you tired of me?"

Yoongi's brow furrowed. "Noo... why would you ask that."

"B- but you don't love me anymore."

"I still love youuu!!" Yoongi pointed out, emphasizing on the last word. His voice sounding equally as confused and hurt as his facial expression. "Who on earth is feeding you all these lies?!"

Hoseok could tell Yoongi was being sincere. He could visibly see the hurt expression of the elder. Yoongi wasn't lying, the voices were. If Yoongi didn't love him, he wouldn't have shown any care when he attempted to take the overdosed pills. He wouldn't even have followed him up to his room to check if he was alright.

'He's lying. No one loves you.'

He swallowed on his saliva, gaze leaving Yoongi's "I'm s- sorry. I don't know why I asked that." He said, avoiding the elder's gaze, making his way into the room.

"Is it the voices?" Yoongi suddenly asked, stopping the younger on his track.

Hoseok spun around, with a surprised eyes, boring hole into the elder's. He probably had forgotten that he'd told the elder about it the night before.

"You mentioned something about hearing voices last night." Yoongi said to his understanding.

A look of realization washed over him. He probably was in an episode then for he still didn't recall telling the elder anything.

He didn't respond to the elder. Instead, turning around and making his way towards the door.

Yoongi went after him, stopping him just in time from stepping out.

"Hoba... those voices aren't real."

Now Hoseok didn't know where he'd gotten the nickname 'Hoba' from, but he liked it. It somewhat made his hazy mind calm.

"They're all lies. Don't listen to any of them... Please let me help you." His last word was in a desperate plea. He was more than ready to help the younger. If it meant loosing all his wealth and success, then he'll do it without hesitation.

Hoseok saw the sincerity in his eyes. He knew Yoongi would help him and was more than ready to give in. But the voices came again.

Are you seriously going to believe him? He's a liar. Everyone around you are liars.

No one loves you

No one is willing to help you

He's just taking pity on you

You pathetic shit see how easily you're willing to fall prey to his trap.

He closed his eyes shot, trying to block out the taunting voices. But they kept increasing and getting worse with every attempt he made.

He felt himself going numb, everything around him began to spin, his vision going blurry as the voices increased.

He couldn't hear Yoongi's voice anymore, nor could he feel his presence. But Yoongi was still right in front of him.

See?! He has left you.

I told you!! He's tired of you!

He doesn't love you

No one loves you


"Hoseok can you hear me?" Was all he could remember hearing before it all went completely black, falling into someone's arms.

Yoongi knew this was bound to happen the moment he saw him close his eyes, covering his ears with his hands. His breath began to quicken, body swaying slightly. And Yoongi knew to hold before he fell.


Hoseok woke up in the evening to meet his sister and Yoobin playing UNO next to him. They were all in his room

He watched silently, still laying on the bed, enjoying their little arguments and protest whenever someone cheated. He smiled, watching how happy they were, wishing he could be as happy as them.

"UNO!!!" Yoobin yelled hands dancing in the air in jubilation.

"Shhh... quiet! You're gonna wake Hobi up." Jiwoo scolded, trying to cover the younger's mouth.

Yoobin looked in Hoseok's direction, eyes going wide in excitement. "Look!! He's awake!!" The young boy exclaimed, hurrying towards the elder.

"See? You woke him up!" Jiwoo scolded, walking behind the younger.

Hoseok's smiled widely as he sat up. "No one woke me up. I've been awake for quite a while." He tried to say with a cheerful voice. But there was still a hint of stress in it.

"Hyung I've missed you! It's been almost forever since I last saw you!" Yoobin exclaimed, wrapping his arms around the elder's shoulder in a warm hug.

If not that Yoobin was still in his uniform, people would have thought they were age mates with how almost equal they looked in height. Hoseok was just a few inches taller.

Hoseok laughed, hugging the younger back. You call me almost every day. We see each other on calls, doesn't that counts?"

"It doesn't. Plus it's almost a month or two since I last called." The younger answered with a rather not so cheerful tone. Pressing the elder closer to his chest, like that was the last time he would see the elder.

Hoseok signed, giving his sister a pleading gaze. She pretty much understood what he meant and came quickly to his aid.

"Umm... why don't you help me call Yoongi. Tell him Hobi is awake. I think he should be at the garden." She said, gently patting the youngest back.

Yoobin nodded, reluctantly letting go of Hoseok's embrace. He gave the elder a small smile before getting up, walking towards the exit.


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