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His father gave him a thin lip smile,
patting his back.
"You did a great job fighting that man kid.
I just couldn't stand letting you stain
your hands with blood.
I knew you wouldn't rest until he was

Mr Denis was pronounced dead on the spot.

Lea was found guilty of smuggling illegal substance out of the country and false accusation. She was charged to ten years In prison with hard labor.

Mr and Mrs Jung were found guilty of murder, child sexual abuse and trafficking, and a lot more. They were both sentenced to life in prison, with hard labor and without parole.

Also, all their assets and wealth were ripped off of them and given to their descendants which were none other than Jiwoo and Hoseok

Unfortunately, Hoseok's curse came to pass, his mother wasn't able to have the child due to being rough handled in jail.

Hoseok felt bad at first. But he knew it was the best for the little embryo. He didn't want her to be born, knowing she was born in jail, and both ther parents were psycho who were living the rest of their lives in prison.

Neither Jiwoo nor Hoseok wanted their parents money. So they both agreed to sell everything and donate the money to NGO organizations that helped people with similar situations like theirs.

Yoongi's dad, being a very powerful man was able to escape the punishment of the law legally.


Hoseok seemed to be much more better now. Or was he? It's been a month since the incident.

There were nightmares and panic attacks each passing day. But thankfully, Yoongi was always by his side, ensuring that he had his mind out of those cruel memories.

But it wasn't that easy. Yoongi was no magician. He couldn't read his mind.

He'd had to get rid of sharp objects around the mansion when he caught Hoseok trying to hurt himself on several occasions.

Sometimes, he'd see the younger zone out into space and when he tried to bring him back. It'll end up with a panic attack.

The only time he could see the younger happy and carefree was whenever Jiwoo was around.

It looked like it was the Hoseok he first met, the very shy and nervous one.

Jiwoo who understood the situation pretty well. Ensured not to leave Korea. She remained in Seoul, transferring all of her works to Seoul so that she could be closer to her brother at any given time.

On the few occasions that Yoongi needed to go to his office for some important tasks, he'd beg Jiwoo to come stay with him. Sometimes if Jiwoo was very busy, he'd tell Seokjin or Jimin to help keep him company.

Things seemed to be moving well. Hoseok seemed to be moving on well. He seemed to be more conversative now.

Except that he'd have a few episodes when the slightest thing was triggered, it all seemed to be going well.

But yet again, remember. No one could tell what was going on in his mind. So when he started hearing taunting voices, urging him to do things he knew he couldn't do if he was mentally sound, he couldn't do nothing, but suffer it alone.

For the first week, he ignored the voices. But they began increasing as the days passed.

'Kill yourself a voice would say'

'No! Why would you tell him to do that?' Another voice would say.

'Don't pretend like you care you just want to be lingering in his head." and then, the voices would begin to argue.

It got worse, and the voices increased as the weeks passed.

'Why are you eating? Don't you see how fat and ugly you are?'

Now that was a new voice, for Hoseok knew he never thought of himself like that.

'You should just die, you pathetic waste of space.'

Hoseok shook his head, trying to push away the voices in his head, as he concentrated on his food.

He was having dinner with Yoongi right now, and he didn't think embarrassing himself in front of Yoongi would be a great idea.

'Do you think Yoongi still loves you? What a pathetic asshole. He's just with you out of pity. No man in his sane mind would fall in love with a used rag like you.'

Hoseok dropped his chopsticks, trying to concentrate his mind. That last voice must have hit him so hard with those words.

Yoongi noticed his discomfort and tried talking him out of it. But Hoseok was deep lost into the voices now, not hearing a single word from Yoongi's mouth.

'See? You should just kill yourself and let everybody enjoy their lives without you. You're literally disturbing Yoongi with your actions right now. They'd love it if you just take your life. You know we're the drugs are, just take an overdose, and that would be the end. Everyone would be happy.'

"SHUT UP!!" Hoseok screamed, covering his ears, but the voice weren't quiet. Instead, they got louder.

'Kill yourself '

'You're a waste of space'

'Leave Yoongi alone'

'No one loves you'

Yoongi was mad worried, as he tried calling the younger's name several times, all to no avail. It was until he held his hand and shook it did Hoseok flinch, almost falling out of his chair.

"Are you alright?" Yoongi worried, studying his expression.

Hoseok shook his head, changing instantly and nodding his head. "Y- yeah I'm f- fine." He said, removing his hand from Yoongi's grip.

He picked his long forgotten chopsticks, about to eat when the voices came again.

'Don't tell me you're going to eat that food, you fat pig. You don't deserve to eat anything. Just go kill yourself and make everyone happy.'

Hoseok dropped his chopsticks again, his appetite long gone. He got up from his seat, bidding Yoongi good night before making his way up the stairs.

'See the decision wasn't that hard to make. There's a little medicine box in your room. You can just take a lot of them, and it'll all be over.'

Maybe they were right. It'll be best if he left everyone alone. They'd finally be happy without him. He thought to himself as he marched up the stairs, making his way to his room.

His final destination.


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