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Thankfully, he was already
close to him, so he caught him
before he reached the ground.

Yoongi sped beyond his normal speed limit to his house. He wasn't in a good mood, it was pretty much obvious, even the maids were affected.

He carried Hoseok and took him to his own room, yelling at the maids soon after, after they told him the doctor was yet to arrive.

Shortly after, the doctor arrived and Yoongi would have torn him into pieces if not for an unconscious Hoseok laying on his bed.

Yoongi left the house to the garden, in order to calm down his short tempered self while the doctor checked on Hoseok.

Few minutes passed and mr Im came out. Yoongi's doctor. "He's doing well now." Mr Im assured, sitting next to Yoongi. They were in the garden.

"What happened?"

"Anxiety at it's peak." The older man answered. "It looks like it's not the first time this has happened. Thank God we were able to find out sooner, if not, we don't know what might have happened in the future. It looks like he's gone through a lot, and now his anxiety has progressed from panic attacks to fainting each time it comes."

"You need to be careful with him. This stage of anxiety is really dangerous . It's silent, and it might kill. Just make sure he's out of any thing that might trigger him."


By the time Hoseok woke up, it was late, in the middle of the night. Everything felt strange. The room he found himself in was completely different, it's designs were mostly dark. The room was even larger.

"How are you feeling?"

Hoseok almost jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice that rasped next to him.

It was Yoongi, sitting on the bed beside him, shirtless. He had his back resting on the headboard, his legs stretched on the bed with his laptop on his lap, typing away.

Yoongi stopped typing, turning his gaze to the astonished younger.

"How are you feeling?" He repeated, his raspy deep voice sending electric waves through Hoseok's spine.

"F- fine?" Hoseok answered questionly, looking away from Yoongi's intimidating gaze. He was still very confused as to what was happening. Yoongi seemed to read his thought.

"You fainted at the ceremony. Remember? I had to carry you home."

Hoseok was slowly becoming red as everything from the earlier events came flashing back into his memory.

"I- I'm sorry." He mumbled, rushing to get up from the bed.

Yoongi yanked him back, causing him to fall back on the bed, extremely close to Yoongi.

"Where are you going?"

"M- my room?" Hoseok answered, quickly shifting away from the elder.

"Stay. You're still not fully recovered."

"No I- I-..."

"Stay!" Yoongi's stern voice commanded.

Hoseok instantly kept quiet.

"Close your eyes and go back to sleep." The elder said in a much softer tone, resuming his work on his laptop.

Hoseok didn't border fighting back, not like he even have the nerves to do so. He lay back down, making sure there was enough space between him and the elder, with his back facing him.

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